School Playgrounds

We've provided helpful links to assist you in your school playground project. Use our Planning Checklist for a step-by-step guide to make your playground dreams a reality.
School playgrounds are in a unique position to meet kids where they are, helping them become smarter, healthier and stronger through play. Studies show that outdoor physical activity not only benefits a child’s health but improves classroom performance, increases cognitive development and hones social skills.
For over 50 years, we’ve been at the forefront of innovation and research to design optimal school playgrounds that inspire and create our next generation of leaders. Schools play a critical role in helping ensure children are getting adequate outdoor physical activity through recess or outdoor classroom time where kids can play and learn on age- and developmentally appropriate playgrounds. In fact, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that children get 60 minutes of physical activity a day.

It might look like just play, but when kids are active and running around a playground they are building critical developmental skills.

School playgrounds need to encourage and support the development of healthy kids, regardless of ability.

School playground planning can seem overwhelming but not to worry, we created a step-by-step guide that breaks down the process to make it easy and fun.

Kids are always finding new and inventive - but not necessarily safe - ways to play on or around playground equipment. And while they may scrape an elbow or bruise a shin, it's important to take steps to eliminate the risk of more serious mishaps.

Don’t let funding be the obstacle that keeps you from realizing your school playground dreams. Learn more about our fundraising programs, online grant resources and ESSER Funding for Schools.

With our innovative equipment and design expertise we can create a functional outdoor space that will serve both as an innovative outdoor classroom and an interactive learning area.
Work with a Landscape Structures Consultant
Our global network of school playground experts is on hand to help find the right playground design that is safe, challenging and fun for all of your students and visitors. They’ll learn about your specific needs and priorities, then guide you through every step to make the process as easy as possible.