Replacement Play Equipment and Playground Parts

Whether you are looking to replace worn or out-of-date playground equipment or want to add new elements to your existing playground, we can work with you to the find the right piece of playground equipment that breathes new life into your playground. We offer a variety of replacement playground parts and equipment that keep your playground safe, functional, and fun, including:
- Fitness playgrounds
- Learning walls
- Overhead events
- Playground bridges and ramps
- Playground climbers
- Playground decks
- Playground enclosures
- Playground motion
- Playground shade
- Playground slides
- Playground structures
- Playground swings
- Playground tunnels
- Sensory play equipment
When to Replace Playground Equipment
Most playgrounds are made of materials that are durable for many years of play, but even so, you may need replacement playground parts from time to time. Playgrounds should be regularly cleaned and inspected so you can stay on top of the wear happening on your playground. Be sure to follow your playground maintenance guide to determine the appropriate frequency of inspections.
If you notice a part needs repair or replacement through a routine inspection or a manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule, contact the manufacturer’s local playground consultant. Part numbers and descriptions for Landscape Structures’ equipment can be found on the back of the installation instruction sheets provided at the time of purchase.
Freestanding playground equipment can be replaced by us even if the original piece of equipment was purchased from another manufacturer. However, if parts connected to a playground need to be replaced, it must be replaced by the original manufacturer to ensure the safest fit and proper connections.
It's also a good idea to check your warranty program to see if the parts needing replacement are still covered under warranty. We offer the most comprehensive long-term warranties in the industry with our PlayBooster®, PlayShaper® and PlaySense® playstructures each boasting a 100-year limited warranty. The details and terms of use of our warranties are available in the informational binder provided at the time of purchase.
Our local Landscape Structures consultants can help you find information on your past playground equipment orders and find the correct replacement parts or assist with finding the perfect additional playground elements that could be added to your existing playground. If you’re unable to reach your local consultant, call us at 888.438.6574 and we’ll be happy to assist.
Playground Retrofit Options
If your playstructure needs some attention, but a complete replacement is out of the question, a few smart upgrades can make a surprising difference. We have maintained consistently-sized posts, decks, attachments and hardware, which allow structures to be refreshed and brought up to current codes and safety standards.
We offer three types of retrofit options to consider:
- A basic retrofit ensures your playground meets current safety standards, replaces damaged products, and incorporates new components and colors.
- An inclusive retrofit integrates components that encourage children with varying abilities to play together and adds sensory-rich components.
- A destination retrofit brings new life to your commercial playground by adding a stand-out component such as a tower, a large and unique climber, or freestanding play pieces.
Work with your local playground consultant to assess your play area and create a retrofit plan that will create the most value for your project.