Pioneer Park
Mesa, AZ USA
AZ - Pioneer Park
Video featuring an outdoor playground with climbing structures at Pioneer Park in Mesa Arizona.
[video: panning view of the top of play structure. Camera switch to side view of the tallest structure while panning up.]
Andrea Moore: The main play structures mimic the three prominent trees in the park. So there's a pistachio tree, a pine tree, and a palm tree. There's some of the oldest and biggest in the city we talked about whether we could create tree houses that were playground equipment that was a little to challenging we also talked about how to get parents and grandparents interacting and playing with the kid that really started the idea generation for the elevated walkway that's completely ADA accessible and has entry ways into each of the play structures and then the play structures themselves. A Dig Studio and Landscape Structures what you guys did with those ideas and turn them into, first it was a drawing on paper and now they're here on the ground. It's just it's amazing.
Grandmother: Oh, this is an awesome park. I'm one of the original kids that used to play hear all the time with the train [camera switches to large black train engine then switches back to grandmother] and this is really awesome now my grandkids are enjoying it.
Young girl: I like this, it goes fast.
[video: kid walking up spiraled tunnel.] Young boy 1: It's fun. Young girl 2: It makes me really happy. My favorite part is this big slide. [touches slide]
Young boy 1: Yeah, I like it, it's pretty big. Young boy 2: You can look at the beautiful view. [points to outside]
[video: young boy sitting at the top of the structure] Young boy 3: I know it's so high.
[video: young boy looking down enclose ladder.] Camera Man: How cool is it up here? Does it feel like you're in the tree tops? [Pointing camera at young girl] Young girl 3: [smiles at camera, nods and giggles]
[video: young boy climbs up towards camera from ladder. Camera switch to Young boy 4: Beautiful! Young boy 5: It's cool. Young boy 4: It's the best day ever.
[video: two boys sliding down red tubbed slide holding camera towards his face. Camera view switches the front facing of boy’s feet going down and reaching bottom of slide.]
[video: children exiting bottom of slide.] Camera Man: Are you excited about this playground [Pointing camera at little boy] Little boy: Yes! I want to play in it!
[video: little boy spinning on triangle shaped seat. Panning up view of boys running up rainbow colored stairs. Camera switches to group of kids climbing up slightly slanted wall with foot and hand holds to top of 14-foot roller slide.]
[video: elevated view of boys going down roller slide and screaming. Camera switch to view group of kids playing on friend swing. Kids push swing and boy waves at camera.]
[video: ground level view of playground at dusk showing under lighting of structure. Camera switch to close of under lighting. Ground level view of tallest slide while panning upwards.]
[video: Views of playground camera switching from several different angles. Video fades to Dig Studio logo and Landscape Structures logo.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 2 to 5 years
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Towers
- Themed
- Inclusive Play
- Custom
Product Lines/ Categories
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Pioneer Park was renovated to include a 9,000 square-foot, multi-story playground. The inspiration for the playground design was the three types of trees found in the park—pistache, palm and mesquite. Collaboration between Landscape Structures and Dig Studio led to the creation of this safe and accessible themed playground. In addition to the epic tower structures, there are net climbers for challenge, thrilling slides and hangout spaces throughout the design. Plus, freestanding swings and spinners deliver more opportunities for children and entire families of all abilities.
Park renovation breathes new life into community gathering space
In 2011, the City of Mesa Parks, Recreation and Commercial Facilities Department began the process of developing a master plan for its parks. And the first project of the master plan was a renovation of Pioneer Park.
“We wanted to re-energize the park,” explained Andrea Moore, parks administrator at City of Mesa Parks, Recreation and Commercial Facilities Department. “We wanted to bring more activity to the core of this park.”
After a park bond was approved by voters in 2012, the Pioneer Park project moved forward. In addition to adding a 9,000 square-foot playground, a splash pad and planting 130 trees, park officials tended to the historic trees, updated historic monuments and restored the Southern Pacific train car, which has been a pillar of the park for generations.
Engaging the whole community
Pioneer Park played host to many large-scale events, neighborhood park-type events and everything in between, so the layout of the park was important.
The original playground was positioned on the east side of the park near the Southern Pacific train car; the proximity of the two had raised questions about whether the train car was part of the play space. Additionally, multi-family housing is located on the west side of the park, and park planners wanted to easily bring those kids into the play space as well as the whole community.
"We wanted to keep the character of the park but bring more positive activity.”
The result? The plan included moving the playground to the west side of Pioneer Park.
“We tried to come up with intergenerational play opportunities to engage the whole community,” said Moore. “That was the whole premise behind the park design.”
Ideas become reality
“We have a lot of old-growth trees here… some of the oldest and biggest in the city,” explained Moore. “And we wanted to encourage people to play in the trees, and that was the whole idea behind the playground design.”
The inspiration for the playground design was the three types of trees found in the park—pistache, palm and pine. Collaboration between Landscape Structures and Dig Studio led to the creation of playground towers that mimicked the surrounding trees.
"What Landscape Structures and Dig Studio did with our ideas—first they were a drawing on paper, and now it’s here in the ground."
“We talked a lot about how to get parents and grandparents interacting with the kids and not just sitting on the benches watching from the sidelines,” said Moore. “That started the idea generation for the elevated walkway.”
The elevated walkway, which flows through the entire play space, is completely ADA accessible and provides entryways into each of the playstructures.
Even more, it delivers a “walk among the trees” feel to users.
Back for more play
Pioneer Park has been a gathering space for generations of families. And now that the renovation is complete, those same families are back for more fun. The park has become a vibrant and interactive place to be since its reopening. The community has responded positively to it.
"It’s been fascinating to hear people talk about the new features bringing back their childhood memories of the park, and how happy they are to bring their own kids.”
“I love that we were able to merge nature and play together,” said Moore, “especially in an urban setting like this where kids don't always get the opportunity to go out and see other parts of the state and country.”
Installed: November 2017
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