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Fresh-air fitness is on the rise
Today, the value of being outdoors, getting fresh air and recharging our minds and bodies is more important than ever. Regular exercise has always been a key component to a healthy lifestyle, but the benefits are even greater when it takes place outdoors.
Studies have found that exercising outdoors (compared to indoor exercise) may contribute to increased energy as well as reduced anger, tension and depression.
Exposure to sunlight during outdoor fitness also enhances vitamin D production, which provides a boost in mood.
Landscape Structures offers a variety of outdoor fitness equipment solutions designed to welcome people of all ages, abilities, and activity levels to your community.
Show children that fitness is fun
We designed outdoor fitness equipment sized right for kid-style fitness and made it fun. When fitness is fun, children are more likely to try a healthy activity and stick with it. The result is increased cardiovascular health, increased upper- and lower-body
strength and improved balance, agility and hand-eye coordination.
Make fitness possible for more adults
Outdoor fitness equipment eliminates two common barriers to exercise — time commitment and cost. Because outdoor exercise opportunities don’t require a gym membership, they allow more people to build free personal exercise programs into their own schedules and improve their health.
Find the right fit for your community
Be an advocate for good health and increase usage of your outdoor space. Offer a fitness space for community-held classes. Place individual stations along a trail. Add an obstacle course to your park.
We’ll help you discover the right fit for your outdoor area, from parks and playgrounds to schools and senior living communities; basically anywhere people gather.