200 Level Courses

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Our 200-Level CEU education seminars take learning about playground design to the next level. From what makes a playground "excellent" to how to incorporate the principles of Universal Design, these seminars go beyond the basics to dig into the bigger questions about the purpose of play, and how it serves all communities.
Are you looking to move beyond introductory level topics and gain greater levels of expertise in the latest topics around playground design? Explore the links below to see what courses suit your design goals.

Play isn't just for kids. Design so every generation can engage.

The latest understanding of how great playground design impacts community engagement.

How inclusive design has impacted the lives of parents and children in real communities.

Color doesn't just make things pretty. It has a real impact on a play space.

How to attract and keep visitors with diverse sensory needs at your playground.

Defining what's next in inclusive design.