1966: Continuous Play begins

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Steve King plays with his new idea while studying at Iowa State.

Volo Aire™ & Flexx™ Swing

2025: Volo Aire™ & Flexx™ Swing

The latest Smart Play® innovation brings inclusive play and multi-activity net play to towering heights with Volo Aire™, while swings get more springy and inclusive with the new multi-user net-based Flexx™ Swing.
Lammy Award for "Most Persuasive" Ad

2024: Lammy Award for "Most Persuasive" Ad

Aquatix@ by Landscape Structures wins Landscape Architecture Magazine's Lammy Award for "Most Persuasive" for our LED Jumping Jets ad featuring rainbow-colored arch jets at nighttime with the headline "Lights. Water. Action."
Choose Your Own Adventure with Volo™

2024: Choose Your Own Adventure with Volo™

This new member of the Smart Play® family is a play-packed structure that soars with fun for everyone. With game-changing LSI Flexx™ steel-reinforced playground netting material connecting all layers of Volo, this innovative structure is a flowing loop of never-ending climbing and sliding fun.
New Contemporary Anywhere Play System

2023: New Contemporary Anywhere Play System

We’re bringing play to a new dimension. Introducing Forma™, a modern, sculptural take on traditional‌ playgrounds. Forma uses asymmetrical shapes, clean and unique‌ angles and a mix of materials to create play that looks and feels brand new. Clear sightlines make‌ it easy to see all the activity.
Scale the Summit!

2022: Scale the Summit!

We're introducing The Summit™, a Smart Play structure for ages 5 to 12 and children of all abilities. Children have multiple ways to play in the mountain tops complete with a variety of learning and sensory play experiences, visual play and three-dimensional net challenges. Topped off with the thrill of sliding down from the mountain tops.
MN Manufacturing Award Recipient

2021: MN Manufacturing Award Recipient

So proud to be honored by the MSP Business Journal with the 2021 Minnesota Manufacturing Award for our latest product innovation, the We-Go-Swing®.  Most importantly, we’re proud to continue offering play options for children and families of all abilities.
Celebrating 50 Years At Play

2021: Celebrating 50 Years At Play

Remember those moments that got your heart racing, your imagination swirling, your body moving? Remember laughing until your stomach hurt? Feeling like you could do anything, daring yourself to do more. Our best moments, the moments that define our childhoods begin in play. Because what we do today creates the memories we’ll always come back to. And so, we always come back to play.
Breaking Barriers

2021: Breaking Barriers

We're introducing a revolutionary swing forward in inclusive play experience. We’ve always designed for inclusive play. Now, we’re taking it to new levels. The We-Go-Swing™ is the first swing that can be integrated into the playground setting and invites kids of all abilities to get in on the fun. Let's get swinging!
The new shape of play.

2020: The new shape of play.

This all-new, geometric design brings futuristic vibes to your playground. Hedra® encourages continual exploration, adventure and discovery through a variety of play events that flow seamlessly from one to the next. Available in a curated selection of colors and materials, Hedra is thoughtfully designed to enhance your play environment.
Newest Innovations in 2019

2019: Newest Innovations in 2019

We're introducing some colossal new elements for playgrounds including our inclusive merry-go-round, We-Go-Round® and Crab Trap®, an action-packed net climbing structure.
EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival

2019: EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival

Since 2001, Landscape Structures has partnered with Epcot® and its landscape architects to create magical play environments for children of all ages during the Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival. Lucky us.
Partners in Play

2018: Partners in Play

We're thrilled to be named partner in play with KABOOM! Over the next three years, we will partner to build hundreds of innovative playspaces across North America.
Honored for Total Retirement Offering

2018: Honored for Total Retirement Offering

We were honored with the award based on the richness of our retirement program offerings, commitment to the program, and leadership and innovation in helping employees reach a secure retirement. Hooray for employee ownership!
Shaping play with our newest innovations!

2018: Shaping play with our newest innovations!

We've been busy creating new products to help build great leaders, encourage collaboration, teach persistence and develop problem-solving skills.
SkyWays® Shade Division

2016: SkyWays® Shade Division

Things just got a lot cooler around here! We launched a new division to manufacture shade products in Dallas, Texas.
Rhapsody® Outdoor Musical Instruments

2016: Rhapsody® Outdoor Musical Instruments

Giggles and hoot-and-hollering are not the only sounds being heard on the playground!

2015: Pat Faust, Honorary ASLA

In Nov. our president, Pat Faust, was presented with an Honorary ASLA Membership which is given to non-landscape architects for their commitment to the profession. We already knew Pat was great, now so do they!
Landscape Structures receives LAMMY

2015: Landscape Structures receives LAMMY

We won a Landscape Architecture Magazine Advertising Award (LAMMY) for Most Persuasive in 2015 for our Color Inspirations ad. Even more, we were inducted into the Landscape Architecture Magazine Advertising Hall of Fame!
Entering the water & splash play market

2015: Entering the water & splash play market

Introducing Aquatix®! In 2015, we acquired Aquatic Recreation Company, LLC (ARC) and Commercial Aquatic Engineering (CAE). We decided to add water to our sandbox and play together!
ZipKrooz® introduced

2014: ZipKrooz® introduced

The first truly inclusive zip line for a playground makes its debut. And a thousand new superheroes simultaneously make their debut as well.
A Legacy of Play® published

2013: A Legacy of Play® published

Steve King chronicles the history and vision of Landscape Structures in a new book.

2013: Named Star Tribune’s Top Workplaces 2013

This is our fourth consecutive year achieving this honor. And a strong case for the high-four to replace the high-five.

2013: Barb King posthumously inducted into NAWBO

This first ever honor came from NAWBO (National Association of Women Business Owners) - Minnesota. Smart folks, there.

2012: Landscape Structures becomes 100% employee-owned

Landscape Structures becomes 100% employee-owned.

2012: Steve King receives Visionary Leadership Award

Steve is honored by Shane’s Inspiration for his commitment to providing inclusive playground equipment for children of all abilities. We’d have done the same.

2012: PebbleFlex® Introduced

Pebblesoft Technologies is acquired, and we’re soon able to bring design, technology and safety into one high-performance surfacing solution: bubble gum. Okay, just making sure you’re still reading—it’s PebbleFlex.

2011: Chosen for 2011 Disability Matters Marketplace Award

We’re honored again for our commitment to providing inclusive playgrounds. Nice job, everybody.
Oodle® Swing and OmniSpin® Spinner

2011: Oodle® Swing and OmniSpin® Spinner

Two new play events are introduced to encourage interactive play with group activities for children of all abilities. And two new synonyms for “fun” enter the English lexicon.
Design for All award

2011: Design for All award

We’re recipients in the company category for our work with inclusive playgrounds. Inclusive fist bumps all-around.
The King Pavilion at Iowa State awarded LEED Platinum certification

2010: The King Pavilion at Iowa State awarded LEED Platinum certification

Iowa’s first “green” facility honored by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and becomes the first higher-education building in Iowa to achieve LEED Platinum status. It’s not easy being green, but it’s nice to be noticed.
Sensory Play for all abilities

2010: Sensory Play for all abilities

We’re the first playground equipment manufacturer to go beyond accessibility to include age and developmentally appropriate products for those with sensory processing disorders and children on the autism spectrum.

2008: Chosen for 2008 Tekne Green Award

We’re recognized for environmental awareness/responsibility and incorporating sustainability into our business model. Fist bumps “coincidentally” go mainstream.

2008: Awarded Minnesota Work-Life Champion

We take the honors two years in a row for promoting a healthy work-life balance. Two cheers for us.
HealthBeat® Outdoor Fitness System launched

2008: HealthBeat® Outdoor Fitness System launched

Our commitment to healthy living and multi-generational play continues. And it would appear that muscle shirts come in all shapes and sizes.
Evos® play system introduced

2007: Evos® play system introduced

The first gyroscopic play system for ages 5 to 12 changes the shape of play. Looks cool, too.

2006: Minnesota Waste Wise Leader award

Landscape Structures is recognized for our outstanding waste reduction and recycling efforts. Recycled office jokes were not recognized.
Barb King inducted as an Honorary Member of ASLA

2005: Barb King inducted as an Honorary Member of ASLA

The American Society of Landscape Architects couldn’t have found a better person to honor.

2005: Barb and Steve King win Christian Peterson Award

The couple receive the award from Iowa State University’s College of Design for safe and innovative designs for children. Smart couple.
Mobius® Climber debuts

2005: Mobius® Climber debuts

The first playground climber integrating art and play comes to life as art appreciation becomes a little more hands-on.

2004: Natural Climber introduced

It’s the first natural climber to integrate with a playstructure. And the first of many invitations to young climbers everywhere.
Steve King named Fellow, ASLA

2004: Steve King named Fellow, ASLA

The American Society of Landscape Architects couldn’t have chosen a finer fellow.

2004: Landscape Structures ESOP launches

Our company stays in the family by becoming employee-owned. And instantly, our bosses become even more likeable and good-looking.
Sway Fun® Glider appears

2002: Sway Fun® Glider appears

We create the first multi-rider accessible glider for kids and families of all abilities. Yahoo!

2001: Playstructure climbing cables debut

We defy gravity to create the first innovative climbing cable integrated into a modular playstructure.

2001: Integrated shade products introduced

We give the sun something to think about by creating the first shade products that integrates into a playstructure.
Skatewave® introduced

2001: Skatewave® introduced

We develop modular steel/PVC community skatepark equipment. Kids develop new, safe places to shred. In 2017, we transitioned to supporting existing Skatewave skateparks only through their warranty period.

1999: Continuous improvement initiated

We commit to our focus on lean manufacturing, ensuring efficient processes, products, on-time deliveries and one kit flow. We may or may not have single-handedly stopped Y2K.

1998: ISO 14001 Certification

We become the first U.S. playground equipment manufacturer and seventh company in Minnesota to achieve the highest standard for environmental commitment, ISO 14001:1998 Certification for conservation and recycling process, the 14001:2004 standard in 2005 and the updated standard 14001:2015 in 2017. Even bigger smiles all around.

1996: ISO 9001 Certification

We become the first U.S. playground equipment manufacturer to achieve ISO 9001 Certification customer-focused commitment to quality products and processes, 1996. Smiles all around.

1995: IPEMA established

Steve King serves as founding member of the International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association, a third-party organization for playground safety, and a mouthful without the acronym.

1994: Sliding footers on slides introduced

We’re the first to use these footers to prevent warping and cracking. Because warping and cracking make slides less fun.
Steve King appointed to Federal Access Board’s Recreation Access Advisory Committee

1993: Steve King appointed to Federal Access Board’s Recreation Access Advisory Committee

He’s the sole playground equipment manufacturer to be named to the committee. And may or may not be the sole appointee named Steve.
First wheelchair transfer system introduced

1993: First wheelchair transfer system introduced

This innovation provides access for all children to playstructures, and unique access to high-fives.
The Kings inducted into the National Institute of Entrepreneurs.

1992: The Kings inducted into the National Institute of Entrepreneurs.

Steve and Barb become officially official.

1992: Barb and Steve King named Minnesota’s Entrepreneur of the Year

The couple receive the honor from Ernst and Young, Inc. Magazine and the law firm of Gray Plant Mooty. Hear, hear.
Permalene® panels introduced

1985: Permalene® panels introduced

An airport bathroom partition sparks an idea: the same material compression-molded polyethylene could be used for activity panels. And Permalene is born. In 2010, we’d become the first to offer recycled Permalene panels.
PlayBooster® system boosts play

1984: PlayBooster® system boosts play

Mexico Forge is acquired, and with it comes PlayBooster®, the first post-and-clamp-based play system for unlimited configuration. That’s a lot of configuration.
TenderTuff™ coating introduced

1981: TenderTuff™ coating introduced

Hear that? That’s the sound of ten thousand tiny hands applauding a playground industry first: our new temperature-resistant protective coating for decks and handholds.

1977: VitaCourse created

The first outdoor fitness trail system is born. Muscle shirts suddenly become more popular. Interesting.
First Sales Representative

1974: First Sales Representative

Jack Gleason of NuToys Leisure Products, Inc. becomes the first and one of the best. Three cheers for Jack!

1971: Landscape Structures incorporated

The Kings move the business from their garage to a warehouse, focus exclusively on playstructures, and rebrand.

1969: King Associates formed

Steve and his wife Barb take a chance of their own, starting a site-planning firm. They manage to sneak in a playground here and there.