Wonder Spelen City Park

Pella, IA USA

IA - Wonder Spelen City Park

Video features a Landscape Structures inclusive and Dutch themed playground at Wonder Spelen city Park in Pella Iowa.

[video: scene fades a view of the park sign color blue and yellow. A large symbol of a windmill sits on the left of the sign will text on the right reads “Wonder Spelen Inclusive Playground”. The scene fades to a view of yellows as the camera focuses on the playground in the background colored in blue, yellow, and grey. A boy runs up a playground climber to the playground decking with panels decorated with a boy and girl figures dressed in traditional Dutch clothing. The scene fades to a closer view of the boy figure dressed in traditional Dutch clothing. The camera focuses on a custom panel decorated with tulips running the length or a playground ramp. Scene fades to a focused view of a panel on the side of a carousel with an image depicting a windmill on a wheat field. Scene fades to a custom roof designed like an old windmill. The camera focuses on the side of a playground bench with the Kiwanis International logo on the side. Scene fades to a full elevated pan overview of the entire inclusive playground filled with playing children. Camera switches to a ground view of the play area. Children sit inside a dome structure with different sized holes for viewing while other children play on the main playground structure in the background. Scene switches to a pan of the playground structure as children climb and walk across bridges. Camera switches to a full bird’s eye view of the Wonder Spelen City Park play area. The playground surfacing is designed with the shapes of tulip flowers.]

[video: a girl peddles the separate foot and hand paddles of a cycler playground activity. The camera walks over to the dome structure and peaks into one of the view holes where two children sit cross legged. Scene switches to a view of the children inside the dome. They smile and giggle as they crawl towards the camera. The camera follows from the side as a girl climbs up a looped ladder climber. Scene switches to a girl wearing a pink dress as she runs down a playground ramp. A girl pushes her friend on a large circular swing. Two girls play together at the dashboard of a fire truck play structure. The camera pulls back for a full-frontal view of the fire truck structure with the two girl’s pretending to drive the truck and smile for the camera. A boy plays with the marbles of a sensory play panel. The camera focuses on the boy’s fingers as he pushes and spins the marbles on the panel. The camera pans a play area with small house shaped play structures for smaller children. Children play inside and outside at the different activities of the structure. A boy and girl play at a farmers market stand on the side of one of the small house shaped play structures. Scene switches to a girl as she lifts and releases a music note shaped hammer to ring domed bells on a play panel. Scene switches as the camera follows a girl’s legs as she steps from one disc stepper to the next. The camera switches to a view from the playground decking as the girl steps across the disc steppers and then onto the playground itself. Scene switches to a girl as she swings with her friends on an inclusive militiaperson swing while she talks to the camera about the playground.]

Girl: My favorite thing to play on is the bumpy slide and the monkey bars.

[video: two girls swing rung to rung on a monkey bar set. The camera focuses in on the girl’s faces as they smile and continue to play on the monkey bars. Scene switches to a girl with pigtails as she talks to the camera.]

Girl 2: I love all the fun things and the bumpy slide.

[video: camera switches to a third girl as she talks to the camera.]

Girl 3: The swing.

[video: two arched bays hold large circle swing seats. Children play together on the swings. Scene switches to a girl as she talks about the inclusivity of the playground.]

Girl 4: People that have wheelchairs can come here and play too. Because there’s special places where wheelchairs can fit so they can play.

[video: camera switches to a full elevated view showing children playing at all the fun play activities at the park. A group of children ride together on an inclusive gliding swing accessible for wheelchairs. Scene switches to a view of the play structure where there is a tic-tac-toe panel and a double laned slide. A girl plays at play panel on the structure. The camera focuses on the tic-tac-toe panel as two boys spin the pieces from the opposite side. The camera peaks over the top of the panel as the two sit on the playground decking and play with the tic-tac-toe panel.]

Boy: Ok so that’s the same row for you too.

[video: with a slightly elevated view the camera slowly rotates around the main playground structure as children play all around. A boy and girl climb on a playground climber made of panels with different circle and oval cut outs for foot and hand holds. Scene switches to a boy as he plays with a slide puzzle maze. Scene fades to black and back into a girl as she smirks at the camera while sitting inside the dome structure. A girl smiles through one of the viewing holes from the outside. Scene fades to black and back into three children as they hold hands and walk in slow motion down a sidewalk leading the playground. Scene fades to black and back into three girls as they smile and wave in slow motion while sitting on the large circular swing. Screen fades to white. In the center of the screen is the Outdoor Recreation Products rep company logo. The logo slides to the bottom of the screen and disappears revealing text in the center of the screen that reads “with”. A black line draws itself to the left of the text. The Kiwanis logo slides out to the right of the black line as the Landscape Structures logo slides out to the left. Text fades in below both logos reading “For a better tomorrow we play today”. Screen fades to black and video ends.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 6 to 23 months
  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 170' x 135' (51,82 m x 41,15 m)
    • 6-23 Mos. Area: 22' x 21' (6,71 m x 6,4 m)
    • 2-5 Area: 32' x 28' (9,75 m x 8,53 m)
    • 5-12 Area: 91' x 60' (27,74 m x 18,29 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 96" (2,44 m)

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing reflects only the equipment shown in the 3D render above in USD. Freight, brokerage, exchange rates, etc. not included. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
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For more information about items included in this playground
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The inclusive playground at Wonder Spelen (which translates to Miracle Play) City Park became a reality thanks to the Kiwanis Club of Pella. And the custom design of the play space celebrates the community's Dutch heritage with its windmill roof, tulips and children in Dutch costumes. But even better than the beautiful DigiFuse® graphics, is the fact that children of all ages and abilities can come together to play. A fully ramped PlayBooster® playstructure delivers kids ages 5 to 12 to the center of the action, and along the way there are activities like the Sway Fun® glider, sensory panels, climbers, slides, bridges and so much more. Kids ages 6 to 23 months and ages 2 to 5 have a space to play complete with the Nook and Fire Station + Market Cafe, all of which are part of the Smart Play® family of playstructures. In addition to the playground structures, there are loads of freestanding play components like the We-Go-Round®, We-Go-Swing®, We-saw™, OmniSpin® Spinner, Cozy Dome®, Sensory Play Center® and Double Oodle® Swing to keep kids and entire families active and engaged for hours of fun.


Installed: April 2022

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P.O. Box 38
Gretna, NE 68028
Toll Free 800-747-5437
Phone 402-289-0400

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