Turnberry Park

Commerce City, CO USA

CO - Turnberry Park

Video features a butterfly, caterpillar, and flower themed PlayBooster playground at Turnberry Park in Commerce City Colorado.

[video: fade in to a close-up of a foot grip on the Cliff climber designed like a leaf with two lady bugs on it. Scene switch to view of a Garden Hunt counting play panel. An image of a lady bug, bumble bee and ant have abacus counters next to each of them for children to count as they find those bugs images around the playground. Scene switch to a playground barred barrier with colorful decorative Permalene cut outs of a flower and bumblebees. Quick scene switch to a view of the head of the caterpillar crawl tunnel. Fade in to a view of the top of a yellow Permalene panel with red vector designs of monarch butterflies. Vertical pan of the playground area with OmniSpin, Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel, and PlayBooster playground structure with large decorative flower posts.]

[video: A girl climbs down a leaf shaped stair stepper. A boy and girl push a young boy in a harness molded bucket swing together. A girl sits inside the shaded Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel. Full elevated view of the entire park and playground area. A boy kneeling at the Garden Hunt panel shifts the beads on the abacus counter for the bumblebee. A girl spins a boy on the Blender spinner. Side view of a boy as he swings on a swing set. A man walks over to the boy swinging. The boy swinging looks back and the man and asks: Hey do you want to try?]

[video: a boy shouts as he spins a girl on the Blender spinner. A group of children play on the Sol spinner on the opposite side of the Blender spinner. Camera switch to an elevated panning view from left to right of the two-side walk separated play areas. A man spins a boy on the Sol spinner. A boy sits in the shade underneath the playground decking watching the Color Splash Panel as it spins. A young girl speaks to the camera about the playground.]

Girl: I like the tulip because you spin faster and faster.

[video: overhead view of a girl as she spins a boy on the OmniSpin playground spinner. A young boy sitting inside of the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel speaks to the camera about the playground.]

Boy: I like it because like there’s a whole bunch of stuff to play on.

Boy voiceover: and the spiny thing the red spiny thing, like you could spin it fast. We also like the butterfly because like it’s kind of like a spiderweb.

[video: elevated view of one of the playground structures with large decretive flower posts. Camera switches to children playing on the Blender and Sol playground spinners. A boy and a man work together to spin a large group of children on the OmniSpin playground spinner. Aerial shot over the butterfly wing shaped rope climber as children climb. Ground level view of a boy as he climbs up the rope climber butterfly wing. A young girl lays on her stomach in the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel speaks to the camera.]

Girl 2: My favorite thingy at the playground is everything because it’s super fun.

[video: Elevated view of the Butterfly rope climber next to a play structure with climbers, slides, and large decretive flower playground posts. A second girl sits in the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel and speaks to the camera.]

Girl 3: It’s lots of fun and I really like the caterpillar.

[video: camera pans the length the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel sections. A girl sitting in the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel speaks to the camera.]

Girl 4: They keyboard over in the little playground because it’s musical.

[video: close-up of the young girl’s fingers as she flicks the different levers to hit the chime on the Xylofun panel. She plays the scale of the xylophone.]

[video: close-up of a child’s sneakers as they jump and walk up the flower shape stair stepper. Two boys swing on the playground swing set. A girl steps across the gap of the separated tunnels of the Caterpillar Crawl Tunnel.]

[video: back view of two boys as they swing on a swing set. Two girls spin together on the Sol playground spinner. Elevated view as a girl swings up towards the camera in a harness molded bucket swing. A group of children sit on the ground and on bench panels beneath the shade of the playground decking. They watch a Color Splash Panel as a child spins it from the opposite side. Elevated view of a group of children standing on the ropes of the Butterfly Wing climber.]

[video: a boy smiles and waves to the camera. Camera switch to a girl as she smiles and waves to the camera. Close-up of the side of a girl’s face wearing teal sunglasses. The side of the sunglasses in white writing reads: hashtag symbol playlsi and the Landscape Structures squiggly ribbon symbol.]

[video: full view of children playing on the garden themed PlayBooster playground structure with climbers, slides and play panels. Screen goes to black, Landscape Structures logo appears with text below reading: For a better tomorrow we play today.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 84' x 78' (25,60 m x 23,77 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 84" (2,13 m)

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

Butterflies, caterpillars and flowers are the main attractions at this garden-themed playground. The PlayBooster® playstructures feature climbers and slides, for kids ages 5 to 12, underneath an array of flowers. A custom caterpillar invites kids to crawl over, under and through its tunnel system. The butterfly’s wings, made up of a net system bring kids ages 5 to 12 together to socialize and navigate this custom climber. The interactive panels keep kids engaged while searching for lady bugs, bees and ants throughout the playground. 

Installed: May 2017

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Rocky Mountain Recreation Inc.
PO Box 1521
Englewood, CO 80150
Phone 303-783-1452

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