Turkey Thicket Recreation Center

Washington, DC USA

DC - Turkey Thicket Recreation Center

Video features a steam locomotive themed playground at Turkey Thicket Recreation Center in Washington D.C.

[video: two large trees sit side by side shading the sidewalk leading up to the playground. Camera comes into focus on the playground in the background as a tree branch blowing in the wind of the foreground, fade out. Fade in to the We-Saw see saw in front of a custom farmers market play stand. Close-up of the market stand play station made of glass fiber reinforced concrete. A sack of beans and onions side on the side and in front of the stand. Close-up of one of the bushel buckets on the stand filled with red cherries. Camera pans over the top of the stand where a pile of realistic vegetables sit. Close-up of a watermelon cut in have on the farmers market stand. The watermelon carved with a finger trace maze game. camera comes into focus on a small lady bug carving behind the watermelon finger maze.]

[video: pan left to right of the full play area as children walk around on the pebble flex safety playground surfacing. A boy and girl rush up the side of a custom rock climber to the bridge going over the steam locomotive play structure. A young girl stands at the top of the rock climber of the bridge with a L shaped tunnel slide. A boy and girl climb up a rope climber onto the locomotive play structure.]

[video: children play inside the one of the locomotive box car play structures with unique hexagonal angled climbing decks. Children take turns climbing up towards the camera on the stairs into the box car play structure. Top down view as children step up the angled deck climbers inside the box car play structure. Top down view of a girl as she steps down a climber inside the box car play structure to ground level. Children play inside the box car play structure. A boy reaches out and slides down the fire pole off the box car. Close-up of a child’s hands as they hang from the playground monkey bars.]

[video: and girl can be seen swings on the playground monkey bars through a triangle shaped cut out of a playground climber. A group of children climb and play all over the monkey bars attached to the back of the locomotive box car play structure. A group of children climb all over the locomotive engine play structure. Close-up of a young girl’s feet as she steps inside the train play structure onto a cargo net. Children hand onto the bridge railing while standing at the top of the train engine play structure as the camera pans down the rock climber leading up to the bridge. Camera pans pas a sign reading: Rough Road. Camera comes into focus on a girl sitting on the top of the train engine play structure.]

[video: To girls sit in the crawl tunnel in the front of the train engine playground structure. View from around a rock climber as children climb on and around the locomotive play structure. Children climb out from the walk-through tunnel inside one of the rock climbers on the side of the train play structure. Lorenzo Carter the site manager at Turkey Thicket Recreation Center speaks to the camera.]

Lorenzo: Totally different. Totally different, nothing from the precious playground-

Lorenzo voiceover: came back to us which is a good thing. The theme is totally different, design, the amenities. Everything totally different, it’s all for the better.

[video: a boy runs to spin his friends on the OmniSpin playground spinner. Camera close-up of the children riding on the OmniSpin. A girl throws herself down onto the hillside roller slide. She quickly slides down towards the camera and runs off once she reaches the end. Camera switches to Lorenzo continuing to speak to the camera about the playground.]

Lorenzo voiceover: I didn’t even think we could do this much with this land over here so, it defiantly all a great idea. Great creativity and it’s already being used within the last two three months, within the grand opening.

[video: close-up of a girl’s shoes as she steps up onto the top rock climber. She quickly steps to the next rock climber then runs of frame. A young boy balances to walk across the hillside tightrope rope activity. A boy steps across the tops of rock steppers. Three children kneel at a finger trace maze panel. A boy trances his finger through the maze.]

[video: close-up of a dragonfly carving on the side of the farmers market stand. Camera comes into focus on a spider in the middle of a spider web carved in the side of the farmers market stand. Camera comes into focus on a Permalene sign on a roof top reading: Farmer’s Market. Camera pans down from farmer’s market sign to children playing like customers and store clerks at the stand. Camera pulls back for a full side view as they children continue to play imagination at the stand.]

[video: two girls feel the different textures of the displayed food at the farmer’s market stand. Close-up of a young girl’s hands as she leans on the bushel of cherries. Close-up of a boy’s hands as he spins a metal gear on the cash register play panel.]

Boy: How are you ma’am?

[video: the two boys slide and click the different sliders and buttons on the cash register.

Boy: Ok, two hundred berries.

[video: a girl points to a realistic piece of broccoli on the farmer’s market stand. Camera zooms in as she points to a realistic corn cob also sitting on the market stand. Top down view of a girl as she places her hand on a green pepper in one of the bushel baskets in the front of the farmer’s market stand.]

Girl: I’ll take this pepper.

[video: four children play make believe at the farmer’s market play stand. A boy spins a panel with the image of a rain cloud to make the sound of rain. Three children kneel by a cluster of carved vegetables naming them all.]

Girl: And some carrots with apples.

[video: camera zooms in on the children’s hands as they point to the different vegetable carvings.]

Boy: Good with the carrots and corn.

[video: two boys rush to a car made up of Permalene panels and sit down on the bench set panel inside. Two girls rush up to the truck made up of Permalene panels and sit down on the bench sets. View from behind the boys as they sit and play in the Permalene panel shaped car. A boy shouts to the girls sitting in the Permalene panel shaped truck in front of him.]

Boy: Hurry up and drive!

[video: a boy climbs into a glass fiber reinforced concrete row boat shaped climber. Three children sit in the bow of the boat. Close-up of the children sitting and standing in the boat playing imagination. One boy pretends to row imaginary oars. One of the girls points outside of the boat.]

Girl: Watch out it’s a shark!

Group of children: Ahhh!

[video: the children lean back and flail their arms while they shout. Fade to black. Fade in to a young girl standing by one of the box car play structures, she smiles and waves to the camera. Children giggle off camera. Fade in to a boy smirking and waving to the camera standing by the box car structure, fade out. Fade in as children play at the end of the box car where the monkey bars are located. Flares of orange and yellow light engulfs the screen then dissipate leaving nothing but black. White text on screen reads: Better playgrounds. Better world. The Landscape Structures logo slides up from the bottom of the screen replacing the text.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

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Nestled among several residential communities in Washington, D.C., this custom little town features a unique main street area, complete with a well-stocked farmer’s market. A PlayBooster® playstructure entertains kids ages 5 to 12 along with a signature train heading through a mountain tunnel. Kids can climb the mountainsides, scamper across the bridge, then climb over, across and into the train itself. A community-themed playstructure for kids ages 2 to 5 includes rooftops that echo those in the actual neighborhood. Various climbing elements were incorporated along the “outskirts of town” to create an additional energetic circuit of free-form play.

Tiny town square

As one of several playground projects taking place across Washington, D.C., at the same time, each park location required its own theme. Turkey Thicket Recreation Center is nestled among several residential communities, so it was given a village and transportation theme, complete with mountains, train tracks, flowing streams and interconnected roadways.

A collaborative effort

Isaac Sparks, a Landscape Structures playground consultant, worked closely with designers from Landscape Structures to create this custom little community. “We pulled images from Google,” explains Isaac of Sparks@Play. “And we looked at what Landscape Structures has done in the past with custom transportation and village themes.”

In the end, they created a unique main street area, complete with a well-stocked farmer’s market. A fully customized train heads through a mountain tunnel. Kids can climb the mountainsides, scamper across the bridge, then climb over, across and into the train itself.

"We were so fortunate to be part of this great collaborative process that involved Landscape Structures and a really visionary client," Stephanie Sparks, formerly of Sparks@Play.

According to Isaac, "This is the highest percentage of custom we've done with Landscape Structures. Nothing is standard except for the Oodle® Swing, OmniSpin® Spinner and a couple of Saddle Spinners.”

Landscaped play

Isaac worked with Dan Dove, a landscape architect at Studio 39, to incorporate a significant grade change into the playground. They created berms, covered the area in synthetic grass and installed a rope climber, a roller climber, a slide and log steppers for an energetic circuit of free-form play.

"This created a natural element to the village, kind of like the outskirts of town," explains Isaac. Dan adds, "It gives kids in an urban area a chance to play king of the mountain and roll down the hills."

Fun for all

The Turkey Thicket Recreation Center playground is ADA accessible and features two playstructures, one for ages 2- to 5- years and the other for ages 5- to 12- years. A slight separation between the two playstructures affords a cohesive appearance in overall theme and design.

Where the villagers gather

With a brand new middle school nearby and several elementary schools within walking distance, Turkey Thicket Recreation Center has become an extremely popular meeting spot right after school and while kids wait to begin a program at the nearby recreation and aquatic center.

Installed: October 2013

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We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Sparks@Play, LLC
3705 Crondall Ln
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Phone 410-356-4151

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