Shore Front Parkway Beach 98th Street Playground

Queens, NY USA

NY - Shore Front Parkway Beach 98th Street Playground

Video features a Landscape Structures Shore Front Parkway Beach 98th Street Playground in Queens New York.

[video: video begins with a slightly elevated view of a playground structure colored in bright greens, light blue, and accents of yellow. Two circular tower structures are surrounded by an elevated decking with play panels, climbers, and slides spread throughout. The scene switches to a bird’s eye view of the half moon shaped play area. A concrete walkway curves along the outside of the play space up to a connecting accessible bridge to the elevated decking of the structure. Scene switches to ground view as children can be heard playing on the structure while parents sit on park benches. Scene switches with a focuses vertical pan up one of the circular towers of the structure. The camera focuses on one of the towers slanted circular shaped roof with open slats and perforated triangle shaped panels. Scene switches to a full elevated view of the play space as a handful of children play on the lower parts of the structure. The camera switches to the opposite side of the play space. The camera pans over the tops of the two circular tower roofs. The camera continues to pan around the play structure at different angles showing the different climbers, play panels, and slides.]

[video: with an elevated view the camera back pans down a walkway lining a beach. Multiple play spaces sit on the street side of the walkway. With a bird’s eye view the camera focuses on a unique circular structure with cargo netting, belted seats, steps, and hammocks. Camera switches to a ground view of the circular structure showing the outer frameworks interesting, warped shaping for a different level of play. Scene switches to a different play space with obstacle course like stations. Camera focuses on two angled walls of one of the obstacle course events where users must hold themselves up between the two walls. Camera focuses on an A-frame cargo net climb obstacle. Scene fades to black and back into a full elevated view of the play spaces with the city scape in the background. A man bikes down the walking path lining the beach side of the park. The screen fades to white. A black vertical line appears in the center of the screen. The Site Specialists New York logo sides out to the right of the line. Then the Landscape Structures logo slides out to the left of the line. Text fades in below both logos reading: For a better tomorrow we play today. Screen fades to black and video ends.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 291' x 63' (88,70 m x 19,20 m)
    • 5-12 Area: 73' x 56' (22,25 m x 17,07 m)
    • 2-5 Area: 43' x 38' (13,11 m x 11,58 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 120" (3,05 m)

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

Reinvigorating land that was damaged during Hurricane Sandy, this playground is a one-of-a-kind, sculptural space that will turn heads and draw visitors from all over New York City. Twin cable net play towers boast beautiful custom roofs that seem slanted toward the sun like sunflowers. In modern shades of bright blue, yellow and beige, the playground draws in the colors of the beach, sky and sun in a stylized recognition of the nearby shore. Extensive ramping on the structures ensures that children and visitors with mobility devices can access all the fun while slides and climbers ensure there’s lots of motor skills play to be had. Adjacent to the towers is a custom loop-shaped net structure that invites children to climb, bounce and chill in the unique way that springy net structures do, while a FitCore™ Extreme Ninja Warrior circuit with challenging rope climbers, overhead bars, Spiderwalk and Quintuple Steps attracts kids and adults 13+ to put in a sweaty workout. Between these two areas, a multiple-bay swingset is a classic fixture inviting kids of all ages and abilities to fly high.

Installed: August 2023

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We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Site Specialists Ltd.
265 Post Ave Ste 365
Westbury, NY 11590
Phone 516-338-1630

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