North Mankato Fallenstein Playground and Miracle League

North Mankato, MN USA

MN - North Mankato Fallenstein Playground and Miracle League

This video features children enjoying the North Mankato Fallenstein playground and Miracle League inclusive baseball field.

[video: elevated view of entire Fallenstein playground with pebble flex surfacing. Young girl with a hat walks across playground structure deck as an adult follows on the ground. Adults stand by as children run up and onto play structure deck ramps.]

[video: Side view of young girl in hat as she slides down roller slide. A young girl sits cross legged in the Oodle swing as another girl pushes her from the side. Mother lifts her young son out of his wheelchair and sets him on the ground. Young boy inches his way towards play structure using his arms and dragging his legs.]

[video: Top down view of young boy sliding down roller slide away from camera. Camera close-up of young boy’s face.]

Young boy: Super bumpy. [video: young boy gives the camera a thumbs up.]

[video: two older boys sit in the friendship swing as it gently sways back and forth. Young boy in black sweatshirt runs past a cozy dome in slow motion and waves at camera. Older girl unlatches harness on bucket seat on ZipKrooz. Camera switch to a mother spinning to young boys as they sit on the top level of global motion. Camera close-up of young boy smiling as he spins by on global motion.]

[video: group of children laugh while spin together on TopsyTurny vertical spinner. Young boy wearing Vikings beanie hat slides down roller slide with his hands above his head. A mother pushes her son in harnessed bucket seat swing while his wheelchair sits off to the side. Camera switch to a mother pushing young girl in hat sitting cross legged on Oodle swing. Camera backs up for a fuller shot of girl swinging on Oodle swing.]

[video: two girls sit on one side of the we saw four person see saw. Mother holds Oodle swing and young girl lifts herself up onto it. She indistinctly yells something to someone off camera. Young girl swings on Oodle swing towards camera while smiling.]

[video: Elevated view of entire playground and miracle league baseball field. Fade to black.]

[video: camera close-up of teenage boy’s blue miracle league t-shirt that says volunteer on the back. Teenage boy talks to young boy with baseball bat at home plate. Camera close-up of young boy with bat as he slowly practices the motion of swinging the bat. Camera switch to behind home plate as a man pitches a softball to young boy with bat. Young boy hits the ball and a crowd cheers. Young boy begins to run to first base. Teenage boy claps and follows young boy to first base.]

[video: side view of man closely pitches a softball to a young boy in wheel chair. Young boy in wheelchair hits the ball down the third baseline. A crowd cheers and claps in the background. Young boy quickly roles his wheelchair to first base, then to second base where a woman waits for him.]

[video: camera view is behind the pitcher as the ball is pitch to young boy with a hood at home plate. Boy with hood swings and makes contact but the ball roles foul. Teenage boy behind the play claps. Camera side view of young girl at home plate swinging and hitting the softball. Crowd cheers off camera. Two boys in matching hats run to first base together as one boy holds on to the other boy’s arm. A crowd cheers them on. Camera close-up of bats leaning on fence into the dugout, young boy in wheelchair roles past.]

[video: A mother stands behind her daughter while assisting her to swing the baseball bat, together they hit the ball and they drop the bat. The mother cheers and the young girl smiles as she jogs to first base. Camera pans to crowd of people sitting on bleaches cheering for the players on the field.]

[video: camera is attached to young boy’s wheelchair push handle. Man, pitches to young boy in wheelchair, young boy in wheelchair hits the ball and quickly roles himself to first base. Camera switch to look up at young boy in wheelchair as a woman off camera speaks to him.]

Women off camera: If she hits it your taking off right?

Young boy in wheelchair: Yeah. Taking off.

Women off camera: You're taking off. [video: woman’s hand come into view and her and young boy in wheelchair bump fists.]

Women off camera: Go, go! Yeah!

[video: young boy looks down at camera as he roles himself to the next base. Camera switch to behind the bleachers at the crowd claps and cheers for the players on the field.]

[video: camera view through fence as man pitches a softball to a boy wearing a beanie hat. He hits the ball down the first base line. Boy drops his bat and slowly jogs towards first base. Teenage boy walks up to boy in wheelchair as he arrives at home plate to give him a high five. Young girl in field holds her hand up in excitement as she waits for the ball to be hit. Young girl in vest quickly walks to home plate. Camera close-up of young girl in vest as she looks up at camera and smiles. Women holds young boy in wheelchairs hands at first base as she congratulates him.]

[video: the group of all the players gather in a circle with their hands in the middle, together they raise their hands and cheer. Fade to Miracle League logo and Landscape Structures logo.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

The North Mankato Kiwanis Club along with community members came together to make the dream of an inclusive playground a reality. Positioned next to the North Mankato Miracle League accessible baseball field, the inclusive playground delivers fun for children of all ages and abilities. In addition to PlayBooster® and Weevos® playstructures, there are loads of freestanding play components including the ZipKrooz®, Global Motion®, Sway Fun® glider, We-Saw™ and Cozy Dome® among others. Plus, a custom playground net climber uses natural topography to give everyone a chance to reach the top.

Installed: July 2018

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We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Flagship Recreation
11123 Upper 33rd St N
Lake Elmo, MN 55042
Phone 763-550-7860

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