Mestizo-Curtis Park
Denver, CO USA
CO - Mestizo-Curtis Park
Video features a Landscape Structures playground at Mestizo Curtis Park in Denver Colorado.
[video: fade in to the playground welcome sign. Sign reads: Welcome to Mestizo-Curtis Playground, Denver’s first playground in Denver’s first park.]
[video: fade to a side view of the main custom themed playground structure with large SlideWinder slide. Camera pans up the side of the PlayBooster playground where the twelve-foot SlideWinder slide connects to the playground tower. Fade to a side view of a Pebble Flex surface hill with double slide incorporated. A Log Crawl Tunnel sits in front of the main PlayBooster playground.]
[video: camera zooms in on the top roof panel of one of the PlayBooster towers. Unique have circle shapes make up a pattern on the bottom half of the roof. Fade to a DigiFuse panel printed like a white brick wall with red accents and center window. Fade to the top tower roof with square grating and brick printed DigiFuse panels. Rossonian is printed on the side of the square top roof.]
[video: two boys ride the Double Bobble Spring Rider. Camera zooms in on the boy’s feet as they rest on the foot rest of the spring rider. Camera zooms in on the hands of the boys while they hold on while bouncing back and forth.]
[video: a man pushes a young girl in a full bucket seat swing. A man pushes a young boy while he sits on a carousel. Camera pulls pack for a full view of the PlayBooster playground with children playing on it. Two boys slide down the double side together. They laugh as they reach the bottom of the slide. Two boys swing side by side on a swing set. A woman runs back and forth to push each boy.]
[video: camera pulls back for a full view of the PlayBooster playground with a woman pushing a girl on the freestanding Oodle swing. A camera pans down as a boy slides down the Corkscrew climber. Top down view of a boy as he climbs up the ladder towards the camera to the top of the playground tower. Camera switches back to the boy spinning himself down the Corkscrew climber. Top down view of the begging on the SlideWinder slide. A boy sits down and slides down the tall slide. Camera switches to the boy who continues to spin himself down the Corkscrew climber. He finally reaches the ground.]
[video: fade in to a young girl as she stands in the window cut out of a brick printed DigiFuse panel. Fade to a close-up of a young boy as he smiles at the camera. A man holds onto his daughter’s hand as they walk down the playground side walk in slow motion. Camera pulls back to a full view of the PlayBooster playground as families play on it. A bush slightly in front of the camera blows in the wind. Fade to black, Landscape Structures logo appears with text below reading: For a better tomorrow we play today.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Towers
- Themed
- Custom
- Nature-Inspired Play
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 35' x 30' (10,67 m x 9,14 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
This unique playground has been brought to life with a PlayBooster® play structure enclosed with DigiFuse® panels which bring a custom look and feel to playtime. DigiFuse elevates the play experience by vivid, full-color photo realistic graphics. Among the exhilarating play options are a 12 foot-tall, custom-configured SlideWinder2 slide or twirling Corkscrew Climber. This playground also integrates nature-inspired elements like our Log Crawl Tunnel and a rock climber from The Canyon Collection®.
Installed: July 2016
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
PO Box 1521
Englewood, CO 80150
Phone 303-783-1452