Margaret T. Hance Park
Phoenix, AZ USA
AZ - Margaret T. Hance Park
Video features the custom animal themed play structures at Margaret T. Hance Park in Phoenix Arizona.
[video: scene fades into an elevated drone view of the entire play area of the park. The camera slowly flies over a fox shaped play structure made up of plastic like material wood planks. Scene switches to a ground view panning up a large structure shaped like a rabbit made from the plastic material wood planks. A father points to the structure as his son begins to climb up the leg of the rabbit where there is rock climbing like hand and fold holds. The camera focuses in closer as another boy climbs up the food holds on the rabbit structures leg. The camera switches to a focuses view of the head of the rabbit structure with its perked-up ears and clear skylight panel as an eye. Scene switches back to the boy as he reaches the top of the rabbit structures leg where there is a hole to climb into the body of the rabbit.]
[video: the camera pans from the group up to the ears of a structure design like a fox made up of the plastic material wood planks. A girl sits on the outside of the fox structures tale. The camera switches to the other side of the fox structure where children sit on the outside and inside of the fox tail. The camera pans up the fox’s body where more children climb on the outside where there are foot and hand holds for climbing.]
Boy: Oh! [the group of children collectively laugh]
[video: a boy leans out from one of the structures smiling up at the camera. Scene switches to a full view of the back of an owl shaped play structure made up of the plastic wood planks. A boy slides down a large double slide that comes out from the back of the owl structure. Scene switches to a view inside of one of the play structures where a boy climbs up a ladder into another level of animal’s body.]
Boy: It goes to the top.
[video: camera focuses on another boy as he lifts his legs up from the ladder to the upper section of the animal play structure. Scene switches to a left to right elevated view of the park. On the left the sits the fox structure across the park is the rabbit structure and the on the far right is the owl structure. A concrete area sits between the three structures where people can gather. The scene fades to black and back into a view inside an animal structure as a child spins a play panel making the sound of falling rain. Camera switches to a view up inside one of the structures filled with single marble spinning panels. Two older boys climb on the outside of the rabbit structure just below its head. The camera views the back of the rabbit’s head where a boy climbs on the right-hand side of the structure. The camera pans down the side of the rabbit structure showing the foot and hand holds for climbing up its body and front leg.]
[video: children play on a step hill side with artificial grass and rock-climbing wall. A boy surfs down the hill of artificial grass with his shoes. Scene switches to ground view up the concrete hill side equipped with rock climbing hand holds and cascading ropes with large ball knot hand and foot holds. Camera switches to a top-down view of two boys as they climb up the concrete hill by the rock-climbing hand and foot holds. Scene switches to a view across the park to the top of the hill side of artificial grass. Two boys wrestle at the top of the hill while a girl scoots down on her bottom on the artificial grass.]
[video: with a bird’s eye view of the park the rabbit and owl structure stand next to a large ropes and netted play area with large square orange shades overhead. Camera switches to a full ground view of the rope and netted play area filled with children. Two boys climb on the crisscrossed climbing ropes. Children shout in the background. The camera pans different areas of the rope and net play area as children climb and swing on the different net configurations. Scene switches to a girl as she steps up onto a belted like hammock. She stands on the hammock balancing with her arms stretch out for balance. Scene switches as a boy stands on one of the belted hammocks while a girl stands on her own belted hammock across from him. Her hammock begins to wiggle, she lifts her arms quickly to regain her balance. The boy does the same to keep his balance. A group of boys stand near the rope and net climber area as they smile and wave to the camera. Scene switches as the camera pans from left to right of the park play
area. As the camera pans it shows a full view of the rabbit structure then the back side of the owl structures and the net play area beyond that. The screen fades to white as a black line appears on the center of the screen. The Exerplay Inc logo slides out to the right of the black line. Then the Landscape Structures logo slides out from the left of the line. Text below both logos read “For a better tomorrow we play today”. Screen fades to black and video ends.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 5 to 12 years
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 81' x 35' (24,69 m x 10,67 m)
Max Fall Height
- 120" (3,05 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Margaret T. Hance Park is the perfect mixture of adventure and imagination. Kids can fuel their sense of adventure through the various obstacles of the park including a Rock-Climbing Wall and a SwiggleKnots™ Bridge. A custom ropes course with an integrated SkyWays® shade structure overhead challenges children ages 5-to-12 while they navigate their way across the ropes.
The park is filled with interactive play and custom animals that bring every child’s imagination to life. Children can explore the interactive and climbing experiences unique to each animal. Kids can slide down the owl, climb through the rabbit and interact with the fox’s Rain Sound Wheel Panel™ and Marble Panel®. Kids will remember how these custom animals bring life and adventure to the playground.
Installed: March 2021
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
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Cedar Crest, NM 87008
Toll Free 800-457-5444
Phone 505-281-0151