Legacy Commons

Rapid City, SD USA

SD - Legacy Commons

Video features the process and outcome of the Landscape Structures playground at Memorial park at Legacy Commons in Rapid City South Dakota.

[video: fade in to a man driving a small steamroller to flatten rock at a playground building sight. Two mean wearing hard hats work on installing the Evos playground system at the playground building sight. A man uses a shovel to loosen up rock and dirt in the bucket of a bobcat. A man runs a jackhammer to an area at the playground building site. A group of men work together to smooth and flatten a concrete wall. A man driving a for lift moves the mining shaft explore unit. Camera switches to the AdventureScapes rock climber. Camera switches to a view of the playground build sight with equipment and a few climbers set in place.]

[video: camera switches to Dan Senftner and Pat Wyss sitting in the Landscape Structures paint and concrete manufacturing building. Dan the Destination of Rapid City President and CEO speaks to the camera.]

Dan: We’re in Rapid City South Dakota, we are a heavy tourist industry also and we really want something that everyone could enjoy something very unique and very special.

Dan voiceover: How do we appeal to the general public to our community not just a small percentage but how do we appeal to a hundred percent of what we’ve got in the community-

[video: Elevated panning view over the top of a cement bridge with a creek running below it. Scene change to elevated view over the tree tops surrounding the entire Legacy Commons park. Scene change to an elevated view down the long sidewalk of the park where a military monument sits. Back to Dan speaking to the camera in the manufacturing building.

Dan: that’s kind of where this vision began.

[video: Pat Wyss Landscape Architect for Rapid City South Dakota speaks to the camera.]

Pat voiceover: And with that vision we talked about ok, a playground-

[video: elevated view of the Evos playground and open grass fields of the park. Back to Pat speaking to the camera in the manufacturing factory.

Pat: and we start talking about it being a destination.

[video: camera zooms in on a piece of people with a header reading Destination Rapid City, Rapid City, SD, December 6, 2013, 66048-1-6-4. Camera switch to Rod Rick a playground consultant at Dakota Fence speaks to the camera.]

Rod: The whole goal of destination Rapid City was to get people off the interstate and bring him downtown Rapid City.

[video: camera pans across entire Evos playground area and gardens.

Dan voiceover: That truly is the whole vision behind it. Is to give mom and dad and the kids the family another place to go for the day, it’s a destination.

[video: ground level view of children playing a Evos playground system. Camera zooms in on two boys climbing on Evos Arch cargo net climber. Side view of girl sliding down Evos Eclipse Rush slide. A mother holds her hand out for her son to follow her. He stops to climb on a Wobble Pod. Camera back to Dan speaking to the camera.

Dan: Let’s go to Rapid City let’s go downtown. Let’s take a look at what they’re doing in their park and pretty soon their kids get involved, they’re not going to want to leave.

[video: Scene change to Tom Wetter and Peter Gunnarson sitting in an office with playground design ideas hanging all over the walls. Tom Wetter a custom designer for Landscape Structures speaks to the camera.]

Tom: Well Dan and Pat came in on a VIP tour they said they had a great time they seen a lot of exciting stuff.

[video: Scene changes to Rod speaking to the camera.]

Rod: When we can bring people into Landscape Structures and show the culture at Landscape Structures.

Rod voiceover: Show the manufacturing processes and the people. All the people from A to Z from the guy welding to the person sitting in the office taking orders. It’s very dramatic to the customers.

[video: camera view over the shoulder of a Landscape Structures employee as they work on a computer with plasma cutting plans and die cutting lines. Camera switch to a Landscape Structures employees hands as they lift away the excess metal from the freshly cut sheet of metal. Camera switch to a woman wearing safety glasses as she paints a bug on a concrete climber. Camera switches to a Landscape Structures employee as he drills screws and bolts into a piece of metal. Camera zooms in on a man as he begins to welt a large playground structure. Camera pans in to a woman smiling while sitting at a computer desk wearing a telephone headset. Camera switch to a group of people standing and watching as a Landscape Structures employees paint on a manufacturing factory tour.

Dan voiceover: I think once you spend 3 to 4 hours at the better part of a day here, if the wow factor hasn’t set in on you something is wrong. When you walk out of the buildings and you walk out of the place-

[video: camera zooms in on Dan and Pat as a man points to something in the warehouse. Camera switches to behind Dan and the tour group as they look at a wire structure of the Mine shaft discovery structure. Camera switches to Dan taking a picture of a realistically carved and painted Monarch butterfly on a concrete structure. Tour group stand around a table with the Pulse sensors on it. Camera switches back to Dan speaking to the tour group.]

Dan: After you’ve spend a day or day and a half the wow factor is on top it’s a ten.

[video: camera switches back to Tom and Peter sitting in the office speaking to the camera.]

Tom: We met with them after the tour so it’s really nice for them to be able to-

Tom voiceover: see all the different areas in the shop especially the GFR Seirra they’re really excited about doing some of that equipment after they went through and they saw kind of what they wanted we sat down started talking about their project.

[video: elevated view of a Landscape Structures manufacturing warehouse while employees work. A woman drives a fork lift with a stump stepper across the warehouse. Camera switches to a close-up of a machine dropping excess cut metal. Camera comes into focus of a factor wall covered in barn wood painted read with the words: The Design of Play. Camera switches to a Landscape Structures employee as he paints a concrete climber with a full-size moose carved in the side of it. Pan across a life size carving of a Bengal tiger standing in front of a rock wall. Camera zooms in on a man as he paints a concrete head of an alligator. Camera back to Tom speaking to the camera. Scene switch to Dan speaking to the camera in the warehouse.]

Dan: And we started to think about what we could do, and you got this team surrounding you and they’re coming up with all these-

Dan voiceover: ideas in this thought process, makes such a tremendous difference, makes an impact, and that’s what L S I brought to the table for us.

[video: panning view of an open indigenous bug book. Camera switch to papers hanging on a white board with images of indigenous fish and butterflies. Camera pulls back as Peter explains the images of the animals hanging on the white board to the tour group. Peter stands in front of the white board and points to a piece of paper. Camera back to Rod speaking to the camera.]

Rod: That’s the key to this whole thing-

Rod voiceover: is that we are a one-of-a-kind company. As a rep group trying to take care of the customer and as L S I in getting the product out.

[video: camera zooms in on a women’s hand as she paints green paint on a beetle carving in a concrete climber. Elevated view of tour group as they look at different concrete climbers and discovery zones. Pat looks at a concrete structure as the tour guide points and explains it’s features. A man and woman on the tour listen to the tour guide as he explains the concrete structures. Camera switch back to Rod speaking to the camera. Scene change to Pat speaking to the camera.]

Pat: By and large it’s the custom work that makes this unique to Rapid City.

Pat voiceover: And your designers have been great to work with in terms of what can we do on this custom work that’s Rapid City Specific like the Rapid Creek.

[video: a man adds more clay and concrete to a discovery wall where there is an eagle carving. Camera zooms in on the man as he continues to add more material to the wall. Camera zooms in no man’s hand as he adds more material around the eagle carving. Camera angle switches to the man’s face as he adds material to the wall. Camera zooms in on a worker’s hands as they cut excess material away from a carving of clay. Scene change to the fish carving added to the concrete discovery wall. Camera back to Pat speaking to the camera.]

[video: Peter Gunnarson a custom designer for Landscape Structures speaks to the camera.]

Peter: Doing the research on that, there’s certain animals that utilize this creek.

Peter voiceover: It’s a famous trout stream, it’s almost like we took a cut section of the creek. We have rock or mud banks on each side and then the water between.

[video: top down panning view up a flowing creek. Camera switches to a full view of the Creek Discovery wall installed at the finalized playground site. Camera zooms in on the discovery wall. A sign in the wall with an image of the creek reads: Rapid Creek has clean gravel, submerged rocks, trees and plants. Together, this provides food and shelter for trout and native fish. Camera pans to show the different panted fish carvings in the wall. Camera pulls back for a full view of the discovery wall. Scene change to the opposite side of the wall where different fish, bug, and an eagle carving is located. Camera back to Peter speaking to the camera.]

Peter: Also, because it’s got the school of mining there, we created a mine like feature-

Perter voiceover: so, kids can go into this mine shaft, it’s got discovery items on the inside such as gold nuggets and mining tools and little critters for kids to find.

[video: camera pans up the discovery Mine Shaft structure. Camera zooms in on the entrance of the Mine Shaft discovery structure. Camera pans upwards showing gold nuggets, bugs, and tree roots incorporated in the rock of the structure. Camera back to Peter speaking to the camera. Scene switches to a chipmunk carving in a concrete rock structure. Scene switch to Tom speaking to the camera.]

Tom: They’ve done a great job kind of laying out the whole park for-

Tom voiceover: adults for kids for older kids it’s a great piece.

[video: Elevated panning view of the top of the Creek Discovery wall, Mine Shaft Discovery structure, Omni spinner, Sway Fun, Oodle swing, and We-saw seesaw. Saddle spinners and TuffRider spring rides sit in the middle of the play area. Scene switch to an elevated view of a different play area with rock climbers, Cozy Dome, and learning panel wall.

Pat voiceover: It’s just exciting that it’s very unique and it’s part of our region.

[video: camera pans up a playground sign incorporated into a rock structure. Sign reads: Legacy Commons at Memorial Park, can you find these critters, fossils, and plants. Sign has pictures of animal’s fossils and plants children can look for around the playground area. Camera switches to a carving of a gardener snake on top of a rock stepper. Scene switches back to Pat speaking to the camera.

Pat: and that’s what your artist and your creative people been able to help bring to this project.

[video: fade to black. Text appears on screen that reads: Better playgrounds, better world. Landscape Structures logo slides up to replace text.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 182' x 130' (55,47 m x 39,62 m)
    • 5-12 Area 1: 81' x 41' (24,69 m x 12,5 m)
    • 5-12 Area 2: 51' x 43' (15,54 m x 13,11 m)
    • 5-12 Area 3: 50' x 46' (15,24 m x 14,02 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 90" (2,29 m)

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

Visitors to this well-designed park in Rapid City, South Dakota, have five separate play areas to explore, complete with creative-play options that encourage children to learn about their community. The sculptural play area features an artful Evos® playsystem for kids ages 5 to 12. All children can have fun in the inclusive play area that includes a Sensory Play Center®, Sway Fun® Glider and accessible sensory garden. In the natural play area, kids discover a mix of nature-inspired components, including custom rock outcrops typical of those found in the Black Hills. Interwoven throughout the area for 2- to 5-year-olds are custom features celebrating Ellsworth Air Force Base. Getting from one play area to another requires short, beautiful walks through gardens, art installations and other scenic landscapes.

Installed: August 2014

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Dakota Playground
2060 Sheyenne St Ste 100
West Fargo, ND 58078
Toll Free 844-599-0757
Phone 701-356-8800

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