LaDonna's Little Angels Learning Center

Drew, MS USA

MS - LaDonna's Little Angels Learning Center

Video features the Landscape Structures playground at LaDonna’s Little Angels Learning Center ins Drew Mississippi.

[video: fade in to a sign on the side of a building that reads: LaDonna’s Little Angels Learning Center, 181 W. Park Ave. Drew MS 38737 662 745-8402.]

[video: a line of children being escorted from the building outside to the playground area. Line of children walk past camera. A boy investigates the camera lens. Children enter fenced in playground area and run to go play. Two children slide down the slide of the Smart Play Motion playground structure. Playground area is shaded by several SkyWays shade systems on single post cantilevers.]

[video: two children sit at the top decking at the top of a slide. Camera zooms in on a boy as he slides down the Smart Play Motion slide. Elevated view of the single post cantilever SkyWays shade system over the play area. Camera pans across entire play area. A young girl ducks under the Toy Car racetrack to peak at the camera. A young boy pushes a toy car up the race track on the Smart Play Motion playground structure. Children walk up and around on playground decking surrounded by sensory play panels. A girl giggles with excitement.]

[video: camera switch to an aerial view of entire fenced in playground area with four SkyWays shades systems. A woman points to an image of a milk carton on a “To Small to Fail” DigiFuse panel.]

Woman: Say milk, Sarah say milk. Say pepper.

[video: camera switches to over the woman’s shoulder as she points to the panel. Two children look at the panel. A young girl attempts to say “pepper” but mumbles it indistinctly. Camera switch to a different DigiFuse “To Small to Fail” panel where a woman points to the panel.]

Woman: What part of the book is that?

[video: a boy runs in front of the camera, he investigates the lens and smiles. A boy behind him responds to the woman’s question.]

Boy: Front of the book.

Woman: The front of the book.

[video: top down view of the woman and a boy looking at the DigiFuse panel.]

Woman: What’s your favorite book? You like to read Brown Bear Brown Bear?

Boy: Yeah.

[video: camera zooms in on the side of the boy and woman as they kneel by the DigiFuse panel.

Woman: Good job, a brown bar.

Boy: A brown bar.

[video: camera pulls back to show the boy and the woman still looking at the DigiFuse panel.]

Woman: We’re going to read a new book every day.

[video: the woman stands up and bends over the boy to point at the DigiFuse panel.]

Woman: This says, lets count the stars. Do you want to count with me?

[video: the woman kneels next to the boy again as they get closer to the DigiFuse panel. Camera zooms in on the woman’s hand as she points at the stars on the panel. They count together.]

Woman: One, two, three.

[video: camera switches to a young girl spinning the Rain Sound Wheel panel. A woman off camera speaks.]

Woman: The sound is, there’s more sound when you turn it fast.

[video: camera switches to a woman pointing to the different numbers on the number climber off the Smart Play Motion playground structure. The boy climbs up the number climber as the woman points to the foot holds.]

Woman: Get up right here, one, two, three, four.

[video: a young boy peaks over the Ring-a-Bell panel.]

Boy: Boo.

[video: camera zooms in on a child’s face, fade to black. Fade in to a young girl’s face, she smiles into the camera. Fade to black. Fade in to two boys holding toy cars up to the camera. One boy yells at the camera.]

Boy: Bye!

[video: second boy yells at the camera.]

Boy 2: Bye

[video: fade to black. Fade in to an elevated view of the fence in play area and overhead SkyWays shades. Fade to black. Landscape Structures logo appears with text underneath reading: For a better tomorrow we play today.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 6 to 23 months
  • 2 to 5 years

Play Styles

Min Area Required

  • 44' x 34' (13,41 m x 10,36 m)
    • 6-23 Mos: Area: 25' x 20' (7,62 m x 6,1 m)
    • 2-5 Area: 26' x 22' (7,92 m x 6,71 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 32" (0,81 m)

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing reflects only the equipment shown in the 3D render above in USD. Freight, brokerage, exchange rates, etc. not included. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
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For more information about items included in this playground
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Your little ones will be begging to visit this colorful and perfectly-sized play area. This playground features Talking is Teaching DigiFuse® panels developed in partnership with Too Small to Fail’s "Talking is Teaching: Talk, Read, Sing" campaign. In addition to literacy education, kids from ages 6 months to 5 years can build their strength and cognitive skills on the PlayShaper® playstructure or the Smart Play®: Motion 2-5 with slides, climbers and sensory play components. If they’re up for a different challenge, kids can head over to the Sensory Play Center® wall where the built-in tactile elements encourage kids to explore various textures and shapes as they play together.

Installed: October 2016

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Moonshot Recreation
3717 Crane Blvd
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone 601-427-1090

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