Key Elementary School

Washington, DC USA

DC - Key Elementary School

Video features the Landscape Structures playground at Francis Scott Key Elementary School in Washington D.C.

[video: a wood picket fence sits in front of a large bush with pink flowers all over it. Fade in focus on pedestrian road sign. Camera pans up at tree top branches near a brick building. Fade in to stone retaining wall with large gold letters reading, F S Key Elementary School.]

[video: camera pans over the top of a crowd of children running to different areas of the playground. A group of children swarm the playground steps. Two girls stand in the front of the Trolley shaped playground structure. Across the playground a girl climbs up a Log Stack climber. Camera pans downwards as children play all around the playground. A young boy stands up in front of the camera with excitement. A young boy slides down a SideWinder slide. Children run all around the playground.]

[video: camera pulls back for a full view of the PlayBooster playground. Children continue to run and play all over and around the playground structure. Camera pans up from the front of the Trolley playground structure. Two girls stand in the windshield cut outs of the Trolley. Text appears on screen that reads: The playground at Francis Scott Key Elementary School. Camera switches to a top down view of the playground decking that makes up the body of the Trolley playground structure. Children climb all around on the Trolley playground structure. Text appears on screen that reads: teaches students the history of the trolley system- Camera switches to two girls climbing on and through windshield cut out of Trolley playground structure. Text appears on screen that reads: which transported commuters to and from- Camera switches to a ground level side view of the Trolley playground structure. Children run up the stairs into the Trolley. A young girl slides down the stainless-steel slide coming off the trolley. She slides down away from the camera. Two boys stand in front of camera as she slides away. Text appears on screen reading: downtown Washington, D.C. Camera pulls back to a full front view of the Trolley playground structure. Two girls stand in the windshield cut out of the Trolley.]

[video: a girl runs up to a boy and taps him on the arm to start a game of tag in front of the SlideWinder slide. Children climb and swing from the playgrounds Circular Horizontal monkey bar ladder and spinning overhead Swing Out wheel. Camera zooms in on a line of children as then begin to play on the Circular Horizontal monkey bar ladder.]

[video: a boy looks down for a better foot hold while climbing on the Pinnacle Rock climber. A boy hangs from a bowed chin up bar. A young girl spins on the Swing Out overhead spinner wheel. David Landeryou principal of Francis Scott Key Elementary School speaks to the camera.]

David: It’s outstanding, kids love it, it’s been a great addition to our outside program, our recess program.

[video: A bench sits empty on the side of the playground with the words “Class of 2014” cut out of the backrest. Children play on the Evos playground system in the background. Camera zooms in on a boy facing away from the camera. A boy steps up next to the other boy, looks at the camera and holds both hands up giving “peace” signs and smiling at the camera. Camera pans through the support ropes of the Evos O-Zone climber as a boy stands on top of the Pinnacle Rock Climber in the background.]

[video: two girls standing in front of the O-Zone climber smile and speak to the camera. One girl smiles and points across the playground.]

Girl: That!

[video: girl runs off camera towards where she was pointing. A young girl slides into frame and speaks at the camera.]

Girl 2: That is so much fun.

[video: Three girls hang from the overhead spinning Spin Out wheel. One of the girls on the Spin Out wheel speaks.]

Girl 3: Come on!

[video: two girls spin towards the camera on Spin Out wheel one of the girl shouts as they spin. Camera switches to a boy lifting himself up and over a playground step by the side railings. He jumps down towards the camera. Top down view as a girl lets herself down slowly on a fireman’s pole.]

[video: top down view of a group of children climbing up a conical climber one by one it fast motion. A young boy peaks into the camera lens while standing on a rock climber. A cluster of children gather at the top of a SlideWinder slide. They take turns sliding down the slide. Top down view of a girl climbing down the Log Stack climber as two boys climb up from the bottom. Camera zooms in on a boy’s feet as he steps up onto the nature-inspired Tree Stump Transfer step. A girl slides down the SlideWinder towards the camera.]

[video: side view of a boy and girl climbing up the Conical climber. A girl spins quickly on the Gyro Twister by herself. Camera zooms in on girl’s upper body as she continues to spin on the Gyro Twister. Camera switches to a group of children as they climb up the Pinnacle Rock climber. Camera zooms in on a boy’s face as he looks into the camera. Camera is placed at the bottom of an El tubbed slide. A girl slides down the tube slide. Camera zooms in on a boy as he climbs up the Conical Climber.]

[video: camera pans down the side of the Log Stack climber. Camera zooms in on a realistic mouse carving in the side of the wood Log Stack climber. A group of girls stand in front of the camera. A girl begins to speak off camera.]

Girl: Because it’s so quick and really fun and you can run around.

[video: group of girls begin to shout indistinctly at the camera. Girl wearing a shirt with a camera on it shouts.]

Girl wearing camera shirt: And I love it!

[video: camera pulls back as a group of children stand in front of the Pinnacle Rock climber. Girl wearing camera shirt jumps up and down and raises her hands in the air.]

Girl wearing camera shirt: Love it, woo whoo!

[video: camera switches to a side view of the Trolley playground structure. A girl plays with the Ring-a-Bell panel inside the Trolley. A girl swings into frame while holding onto a playground post. She puffs out her cheeks at the camera. Camera switches to an elevated view of a large group of children playing on the Omni spinner. Camera switches to a point of view camera as a child rides on the Omni Spinner. Three children work together and spin the three riders on the Omni Spinner.]

[video: ground level view of the side of the Trolley playground structure. A girl sits at the top of the slide on the Trolley playground structure. Camera comes into focus on a Permalene panel with the words Key Elementary, Trolley Station engraved on it. A line of children wave and smile at the camera. Fade to black. A trolley silhouette slides across the screen stopping in the middle. The trolley slides of the screen uncovering the Landscape Structures logo. Text appears on screen below the logo, text reads: Better playgrounds, better world.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 98' x 91' (29,87 m x 27,74 m)
    • 5-12 Area: 67' x 64' (20,42 m x 19,51 m)
    • 2-5 Area: 31' x 27' (9,45 m x 8,23 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 82" (2,08 m)

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing reflects only the equipment shown in the 3D render above in USD. Freight, brokerage, exchange rates, etc. not included. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
Contact Your Consultant

There are endless opportunities of play at Key Elementary School in Washington, D.C. Incorporated into this adventurous playground design are elements from the Evos® playsystem and the PlayBooster® playstructure, plus a number of nature-inspired components. The result is an effortless blend of contemporary and natural aesthetics. Kids ages 5 to 12 can create their own circuit around this inspirational play zone, then take a ride on the custom trolley.

Installed: April 2014

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Sparks@Play, LLC
3705 Crondall Ln
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Phone 410-356-4151

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