Hope Playground at Whiteside Park

Tulsa, OK USA

OK - Hope Playground at Whiteside Park

Video features a Landscape Structures custom inclusive playground at Hope Playground at Whiteside Park in Tulsa Oklahoma.

[video: scene fades into an elevated rotating view around the place space. Children play all over on the nature themed play structures. Scene switches to a focused view of a playground panel designed with a map of the playground. A woman in a flower shirt speaks about the park and playground. White text in the lower left corner of the screen reads “Anna America, Parks Director, Tulsa, Oklahoma”.]

Anna: Every time I come out to this park I’m delighted again. It’s beautiful and you know you can see any time of day it seems like any time of year I mean cold weather hot weather there are kids out here having a great time.

Anna voiceover: And what we love most about it is that the kids from all different with all different abilities are here playing together and that was really the aim of this playground.

[video: camera pans up a play structure designed with playground posts a sprouting plants and roof tops like tree canopies. A boy rides down a roller slide. A know girl kneels at a spinning rainbow panel. A boy crawls through and towards the camera in an elevated crawl tunnel between towers. A mother holds the hips of her daughter as she swings across a set of monkey bars. Children step across foot steppers on playground posts designed like sprouting plants. Scene switches to a full elevated view of the play space filled with playing children. A girl transitions from her wheelchair to a playground stair set designed like a cut down tree. The girl crawls up the next set up steps onto the playground decking. The girl rides down the roller slide to the bottom where her wheelchair waits. The girl climbs across the accessible transition bench at the bottom of the roller slide. She easily lifts and seats herself back into her wheelchair. A boy slides down the roller slide and meets the girl as she buckles herself into her wheelchair and they both head off to the next activity.

Anna voiceover: And boy we nailed it, the team at LSI our local reps here, the planners we worked with the members, community members who came in and really engaged in that process. Who have kids with disabilities or are disabled themselves and really helped us figure out how do make a park that isn’t just, it doesn’t just meet ADA requirements it really figures out how do you engage everybody. We’ve had contacts from people all across that state. You know people coming here to look at it and wanting to copy what we’ve done here with this great team.

[video: camera quickly jumps back to Anna as she continues to speak. A boy spins the wheels of a work out Tia Chi simulation station. A woman pushes the outside of a large inclusive swing accessible to wheelchairs. A young girl seated in her wheelchair pushes and pulls the handles to help make the swing move. Camera switches to a side view as they continue to swing. Scene switches to a view across the play space of a set of swings. A mother and her children swing together in a multi-person swing where the riders can face each other. Camera focuses on the family as the mother holds her young baby on her lap. Scene switches to a full bird’s eye view of the play space surrounded by walking paths. Scene switches back to Anna as she finishes speaking about the playground. A boy holds the camera facing himself as he climbs up through port holes in one of the tower structures. Children swing together on the swing set. Scene switches to an elevated view of the play space. The camera slowly pans away showing more of the surrounding park. Scene switches back to Anna as she completes her statement and smiles. Screen jumps to white. A black vertical line appears in the center of the screen. The ACS Playground Adventures logo slides out from the black line to the right of the screen. Then the Landscape Structures logo slides out to the left of the line. Text fades in below both logos reading: For a better tomorrow we play today. Screen fades to black and video ends.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years
  • 13+ years

Play Styles

Min Area Required

  • 151' x 152' (46,02 m x 46,33 m)
    • 2-5 Area: 38' x 37' (11,58 m x 11,28 m) 
    • 5-12 Area: 79' x 57' (24,08 m x 17,37 m) 

Max Fall Height

  • 144" (3,66 m)

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

Located in Whiteside Park, Hope Playground is Tulsa’s most inclusive play destination. Designed with accessibility at its core, this playground ensures that children of all abilities can enjoy every feature. The playground features a nature-inspired design with exciting, inclusive components like the Super Netplex® play functionally linked to another sprawling ramped playstructure. Both of which are packed full of climbing, sliding and sensory play experiences for kids ages 5 to 12. Toddlers and preschoolers have a play space dedicated to their developmental needs, which includes hillside climbers and slides. In addition to these play areas, there are freestanding play components like the We-Go-Swing®, We-Saw™, Roller Table™ and Sway Fun® glider to ensure an inclusive experience for all. There’s even a fitness area for visitors ages 13 and up. The entire play space is covered with turf safety surfacing to provide a fully accessible route throughout the playground. Even the thoughtfully chosen color scheme accommodates children who are blind/low vision or who are colorblind, making it a welcoming space for all. Hope Playground is the largest of its kind in Oklahoma, funded by the Sanford and Irene Burnstein Family Foundation, which named it to inspire hope for future inclusive projects in Tulsa and beyond.

Installed: September 2023

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

ACS Playground Adventures
8501 Mantle Ave
Oklahoma City, OK 73132
Phone 405-721-3506

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