Guy Mason Recreation Center

Washington, DC USA

DC - Guy Mason Recreation Center

Video features the Landscape Structures playground at Guy Mason Recreation Center in Washington D.C.

[video: a bronze play with an engraving of a young boy’s face and a playground behind him reads, dedicated to the life of Lyles Victor Parachini, who played here with his sister and friends from 2004 to 2007.]

[video: camera view is from the top of a hill side with overhanging large oaks are green bushes all around. The play area is at the bottom of the hill. Fade to black. Fade into to scene. A swing set sits next to a planted tree with surrounded rock steppers surrounding that tree in a circle. A playground tower shaped like a bird cage sits beyond the swing set. A close-up view of the Landscape Structures playground welcome sign with playing instructions and warnings. Camera switches to view of the artistic metal panels with half and full circle cut outs making up the railing of a pathway to the playground. A line of children walks down a side walk to enter the playground area.]

[video: A group of children climb all over a Skyport rope climber. A young boy swings run to run on a LolliLadder monkey bars coming off the Skyport climber. Camera zooms in to the top climbing area of the Skyport Climber. A young girl shifts hear hands on the ropes to start climbing down. Camera switches to a young girl standing at the end of a loop rope bridge. A young boy swings from run to run on the LolliLadder. Camera switches to a full aerial view of the entire play area as children play all around.]

[video: camera zooms in on two children’s feet as they walk to the end of a balance beam. The first child steps off the beam and on to a dome shaped yellow rock stepper. Camera close-up of a child’s feet as they rotate on the top of a dome shaped rock stepper. And adult man stands off the side as three children slide down the roller slide that is incorporated into a small hill. Camera pans down the middle of the Skyport climber as children climb. A girl and boy swing towards each other on the LolliLadder. Camera zooms in on a young girl sitting on a dome shaped stepper. A girl hangs onto a rope off the Skyport climber, she stands there watching other children climb. Camera view points up at two boys stand on different height ropes on the Skyport climber while looking out over the playground. A young boy lays on the Boogie Board belt swing. A young boy begins to speak to the camera.]

Boy: I like about the playground, the sandbox and the climbing thing.

[video: camera switches to a young girl pointing to different areas of the playground and speaking to the camera.]

Girl: Because then I get to exercise and it’s fun climbing.

[video: the girl waves her arms and jumps up and down at the end of her statement. A young boy wearing a red shirt ducks under a rope on the Skyport climber to speak to the camera.]

Boy in red shirt: I like everything.

[video: four children sit on the Boogie Board as they speak to the camera as a group.]

Children: My favorite thing about the playground is that roller thing, that doughnut.

[video: a girl sitting on the end of the Boogie Board speaks by herself.]

Girl: That is my favorite thing to do.

[video: two boys ride the Stand-Up seesaw. Camera pans up the Bird Cage tower. Two children climb up and away from the camera on a cargo net bridge to the top of the hill. Camera pans around a post as a young girl begins to climb up a rope cargo net underneath the Bird Cage tower. Camera looks down the opening at the top of the Bird Cage tower or the cargo net entrance. To girls climb up towards the camera on the cargo net. A young girl reaches the top of the cargo net to the tower decking where she rises to her feet and runs to a telescope and looks through it. A girl runs to a Bubble panel and jumps up and sits inside the small frame. Camera pans away at an elevated high from the Skyport climber full of children. Fade to black. Text appears on screen reading, better playgrounds, better world. Landscape Structures logo scrolls up from the bottom.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 95' x 122' (28,96 m x 37,19 m)

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant

Guy Mason Recreation Center is home to a one-of-a-kind playground design. A 14-post Netplex® playstructure with a customized roof is the centerpiece of this unique playground adventure. And as visitors move further into the playground, they'll notice a nest-like tower structure complete with various net climbers and a stainless steel tunnel slide. Even more, a favorite--the Rollerslide--is built right into the hillside to create an accessible, sensory sliding experience for children of all abilities.

Installed: July 2015

Our color palettes offer a range of options to customize your projects


Our state of the art materials make our playgrounds stand out.


We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.

Playground consultant for this project

Sparks@Play, LLC
3705 Crondall Ln
Owings Mills, MD 21117
Phone 410-356-4151

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