Galaxy Park
Las Vegas, NV USA
NV - Galaxy Park
Video features a Landscape Structures playground at Galaxy.
[video: scene fades into a rock garden with scattered small cactuses. A stone retaining wall has large silver letters set on top of it reading “Galaxy Park”. Larger palm trees stand in the background. Scene fades to a full slowly rotating elevated view of the entire park area. Walking paths and ramps and small gardens all lead to a central play area. Five large triangular shade sails cover the different playing area locations. Scene switches to a view from the top of a small hill of the underwater themed play structure. Two girls spin together on a stand-up spinner near the play structure. Scene switches to a top-down view of a boy as he swings from rung to rung on a monkey bar set incorporated into the bottom of one of the play structures bridges. Scene switches to a view from the top of a retaining wall. The camera slowly pans right to left showing the play area below with many free-standing play activities as well as the main play structure. Children play all around the play area. A boy swings by himself on a swing set as the main play structure sits in the background. Scene switches to a full ground view of the underwater themed play structure. Children slide down slides and climb all over the structure. A girl shouts as she rides down a slide “Wooh!”. Two girls with large bows in their hair stand speak to the camera.]
Girl: I like that they have fast slides.
Girl 2: Um, that little scooper thing.
[video: a girl sits on the seat of a manual excavator shovel scooping up sand. Scene switches to children climbing on honeycomb like climber panels. Scene switches to a boy as he speaks to the camera.]
Boy: The climbing structures and the bridges.
[video: with a top-down view front the playground decking a boy climbs down onto some belted bridges and walkways of the play structure. Camera switches back to the boy as he speaks to the camera.]
Boy: And the balance beam that is long and it’s really fun.
[video: a girl side steps across a long curved red balance beam. She holds her arms out to balance herself as she walks across the balance beam. Scene switches to a young girl with a large bow in her hair as she swings and speaks to the camera.]
Girl: I like to slide and swing.
[video: camera switches to a side view of a girl pushing her young sitter in matching outfit on the swing. Camera switches back to a front view of the girl swinging. She smiles as she swings close to the camera.]
Girl: Ahh! Hello!
[video: scene switches to a slow-motion pan of the underwater play structure as children play near by and on the playground activities. A boy climbs on a green sphere like climber as he smiles for the camera. Scene fades in and out to two girls as they walk across a balance beam in slow-motion. Scene fades in and out to a full elevated panning view over the entire park area. Screen flashes to white. A black line draws itself in the middle of the screen. The Exerplay logo slides out to the right of the black line as the Landscape Structures logo slides out to the left. Text fades in below both logos reading “For a better tomorrow we play today”. Screen fades to black and video ends.]
Playground Details
Age Ranges
- 5 to 12 years
Play Styles
- Preconfigured
- Themed
Product Lines/ Categories
Min Area Required
- 43' x 56' (13,11 m x 17,07 m)
Max Fall Height
- 105" (2,67 m)
Design/CAD Files for this Playground
Design Standards

Price Range (USD)
GeoPlex® Double Panel, Elevated
GeoPlex® Double Panel, Ground Level
Lunar Burst® Net Climber
Wee Planet™ Climber
Sports & Fitness
Slides & Gliders
This playground includes a variety of custom elements and/or customized product(s). Please contact your local playground consultant for additional details.
For more information about items included in this playground
Contact Your ConsultantGalaxy Park is home to a widespread playground featuring the Smart Play® BeachComber® playstructure. Kids ages 5 to 12 will love navigating the variety of climbers like the Tidal Wave Climber, Traveler Climber, Belt Bridge and Balance Climber, and Sunbeam Climber. Plus, they'll find thrilling rides available from the Alpine® Slide and Double Wave Slide. In addition to the playground structure, there are loads of freestanding play components sprinkled throughout the space for more fun. Kids can get more climbing adventures on the Lunar Blast® Net Climber, Global Motion® and GeoPlex® 3-Spoke Tower, and sliding, spinning and rocking thrills in hillside slides, Curva® Spinners, and the Double Bobble Rider™ and the DigiRider® Rocket Ship.
Installed: August 2021
We’ve created a global network of local playground experts to be at your side, every step of the way. With an average of 20 years of experience, our playground consultants are knowledgeable and personable. They will guide you through product pricing and specifications, customization, financing options, community builds, on-time deliveries, maintenance, finding replacement parts, and service questions.
Playground consultant for this project
PO Box 1160
Cedar Crest, NM 87008
Toll Free 800-457-5444
Phone 505-281-0151