Epcot® International Flower and Garden Festival - 2018

Lake Buena Vista, FL USA

FL - Epcot International Flower and Garden Festival 2018

New to the EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival this year is the Imagination Garden, which integrates play into the natural environment. Nestled among the flowers, trees and other landscaping elements is a maze of play.

Kids of all ages can navigate the playground tunnels to discover fossil digs and Rhapsody® Outdoor Musical Instruments. Upon finding their way out of the maze, kids ages 2 to 5 find more playground fun with the Hillscape climber, pod steppers and leaf panels while kids ages 5 to 12 can traverse their way up and around the Lunar Burst® Net Climber. The play space design truly plays off the aesthetics of the surrounding landscape design.

[video: scene opens to sign for the Imagination Play Garden, and switches through nature themed elements. A grass turf colored chair, two leaf shaped play panels extend from a stainless-steel post meant to look like stems. Scene switches to a log crawl tunnel.]

[video: scene pans through various colorful flower beds, a hedge trimmed to the shape of a butterfly, and lots of flowers surrounding a quiet pond at the International Flower and Garden festival.]

[video: kids laugh as they climb up the Lunar Burst Net Climber. Scene switches to boys playing on Rhapsody Grandioso chimes, two boys play on an Animato xylophone. Another boy plays the Kundu drum and then to the Kettle Drum.]

[video: girls climb the Lunar Burst Climber, and then scene switches to a young girl making music on the Rhapsody instruments. The scene switches to a girl climbing to the top of the Lunar Net which overlooks Epcot.]

[video: a girl walks between colorful steppers in a natural palette looking like lily pads above blue surfacing. Scene switches as kids work to climb to the top of a steep U-shaped recycled plastic lumber bridge. Kids walk across a log shaped balance beam.]

[video: kids play together on leaf and stem themed panels. A girl crawls through the log tunnel followed by a toddler who works her way through.]

[video: a boy and his father sit together on stumps playing chess in the garden. Scene switches to a girl walking into a maze and playing the Rhapsody instruments. Scene switches to kids climbing to the top of the Lunar Net.]

Young girl 1: My favorite part about this playground is the colorful and nature theme.

Boy 1: My favorite thing is climbing on ropes really high.

Young girl 2: I like the flowers around this park.

Boy 2: I like that you can climb high on these things on the rope.

[video: young girl smiles at camera. Scene switches to overhead view of a young girl climbing up the net climber. Scene switches to garden view with a tram riding by in the background.]

[video: a young toddler walks to a flower bed and leans forward to smell them. Camera switches to another young girl smiling up at the camera while wearing a sparkly Star-Wars sweater.]

[video: scene shows a concrete sculptural piece with various sea shells covering it. Scene switches to the young toddler girl on a pod stepper. Her mom holds her hands to support her standing upright.]

[video: zooms in to show a log balance beam with a child walking across it. Another child steps across Wobble Pods. Another girl climbs up the recycled plastic lumber Hillscape climber.]

[video: A young girl smiles into the camera, kids smile and wave into camera. Landscape Structures logo appears in a flurry of stardust.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years
  • 5 to 12 years

Product Lines/ Categories

Design/CAD Files for this Playground

Design files are not available for this custom design. Contact your local playground consultant for additional details.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing for custom playground equipment varies. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.

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New to the EPCOT® International Flower & Garden Festival this year is the Imagination Garden, which integrates play into the natural environment. Nestled among the flowers, trees and other landscaping elements is a maze of play. Kids of all ages can navigate the playground tunnels to discover fossil digs and Rhapsody® Outdoor Musical Instruments. Upon finding their way out of the maze, kids ages 2 to 5 find more playground fun with pod steppers and leaf panels while kids ages 5 to 12 can traverse their way up and around the Lunar Burst® Net Climber. The play space design truly plays off the aesthetics of the surrounding landscape design.

Installed: March 2018

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Playground consultant for this project

Rep Services, Inc.
165 W Jessup Ave
Longwood, FL 32750
Phone 407-831-9658

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