Coahoma County Youth Outreach

Clarksdale, MS USA

MS - Coahoma County Youth Outreach

Video features the playground at the Coahoma County Youth Outreach.

[video: scene begins as the camera pans left to right of entire view of the Smart Play Venti playground structure. A group of children play all around the many playground activities. Camera zooms in on several children’s feet as they walk up and down the Belt Bridge. A young girl swings herself to the other side of the windowpane overhead ladder monkey bar set. Camera switches to a close-up of kid’s feet walking across playgrounds central cargo net. Scene switches to an elevated view of the entire playground with children playing all around. Camera switches to a girl swinging across the windowpane overhead ladder monkey bars. A handful of children rock the Boogie Board back and forth quickly as a girl lies on it for the ride. She laughs with excitement. Camera switches to a bird’s eye panning view of the entire playground as kids play on the structure. Children stand and climb on the center cargo net. The camera pans up to two boys climbing across the TightRope Bridge. Camera switches to an elevated panning view just up above the Windowpane Overhead Ladder of the entire playground. Scene switches to a young boy jumping onto the belt bridge. Camera zooms in to his feet as he walks up the bridge in slow motion. Scene switches to a boy sliding towards the camera on the single poly slide. Camera pulls up from a group of kids all swinging on the Boogie Board together. Camera zooms out from two boys relaxing on the Belted Hammock. A young girl waves at the camera while standing on the Inclined Cable Walk. Camera pans down from above the Windowpane Overhead Ladder to a boy swinging rung to rung with a big smile on his face. Scene switches to a boy jumping up to grab the chin up bar. He pulls his body up to the chin up bar. Two boys smile at the camera while sitting at the Cabin Seating area underneath the Double Swoosh Slide. Camera close-up of young boy’s face looking around the and smiling. Camera close-up of older boy’s face as he smirks at the camera. A girl with glasses smiles at the camera. A girl puts her arms around another girl as they pose and smile at the camera. Scene switches to the camera panning backwards across the top of the entire Venti play structure. Fade to black, landscape structure logo appears. Landscape Structures logo is made of a red ribbon undulating above the text landscape structures. Text below the logo reads: For a better tomorrow we play today.]

Playground Details

Age Ranges

  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Lines/ Categories

Min Area Required

  • 46' x 40' (14,02 m x 12,19 m)

Max Fall Height

  • 96" (2,44 m)

Design Standards

Contact your consultant to verify that this playground design meets current design standard requirements or to modify for other design standards.

Price Range (USD)

Pricing reflects only the equipment shown in the 3D render above in USD. Freight, brokerage, exchange rates, etc. not included. For international and exact pricing, please contact your local playground consultant.
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For more information about items included in this playground
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This brightly-colored and inviting Smart Play®: Venti® is designed for kids ages 5 to 12 and packs 20 exciting activities into its compact size. Nets, slides, belts and climbers provide challenges that promote physical development and strategic thinking, while also creating hangouts where kids can take a break and connect with others. This playstructure also features a Boogie Board™ for kids to balance and sway while building core strength.

Installed: July 2016

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Playground consultant for this project

Moonshot Recreation
3717 Crane Blvd
Jackson, MS 39216
Phone 601-427-1090

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