
Model #323659

Volo® - Intro

Video features Landscape Structures new Smart Play Volo.

[video: scene fades from white to a gradual gradient of teal and white. White text fills into the center of the screen reading “Smart Play, Volo”. “Smart Play” fades away and the “Volo” text slides to the right new text appears reading “Fun takes flight”. Scene switches to an elevated view of children playing all over a play structure with over head shade sails. Camera switches to a ground level view of the children continuing to play all over the Volo play structure. White text in the center of the screen reads “5-12”. Children climb on ropes climbers, geometrically shaped, climbers, slides and much more. Children screen and shout as they play on the central slanted net climber in the center of the structure. A girl walks across saddle shaped steps up to the next level of the structure. Children climb on vertical ropes with foot discs and circular ball knots. White text in the center of the screen reads “Compact footprint”. Camera focuses on a boy as he holds himself up on one of the ropes. A boy walks on slack lines underneath the central netting of the structure. White text in the center of the screen reads “Loaded with 20 connected activities”. Scene switches to a boy as he rides down the large blue slide, a second child rides down the slide towards the camera.]

Child off camera: Wee! This is fun!

[video: a boy spins himself down a corkscrew climber. The camera pans up a wide belted slide with climbing children. A boy sits in his wheelchair at a talk tube while another boy plays with a magnet panel attached to the talk tubes post. A girl sits in a large circular swing seat, she wiggles to sway the seat back and forth. Children’s feet run in the background across the central net area while white text in the center of the screen reads “Revolutionary LSI Flexx”. The camera comes into focus on a boy as he plops down onto his rear on the nettings.]

Boy: Wow!

[video: camera switches to an elevated view of children playing on the central netting.]

Boy: I feel like I’m rock climbing.

[video: with a view up through the netting children climb and run around. A boy steps down from the playground decking onto the large circular swing seat. He sways his body back and forth to rock himself, he giggles with excitement. Camera switches to a full bird’s eye view of the Volo’s four triangular shade sails covering the structure filled with children below. White text in the center of the screen reads “Optional integrated shade”. Camera switches to an elevated rotating view around the Volo structure as children play on all the different play activities.]

Boy: Ok, lets run! So, we can get up there.

[video: camera pans the area underneath the central climbing net. Slack lines and belted bridges are strung in crisscrossed patterns. Children walk towards the camera on the saddle shaped wiggle steppers. Children climb on pentagon shapes hung from ropes. Scene switches back to a full rotating view of the Volo structure. White text in the center of the screen reads “Multiple play routes”. A boy stands by a panel incorporated into a hand hold reading “Can you master these routes or create your own”. Images on the panel show highlighted routes children can take or create their own. Camera switches to the different routes all named differently. Such as Orbit, Cobra, Inside Out, Eliminator, and a create your own. Scene switches to children playing together on the slack lines and belted bridges beneath the central netting. White text in the center of the screen reads “Multiple layers of play”. Camera focuses on a girl’s foot as she climbs on the pentagon shaped climber. A girl stands at a handhold with a panel incorporated into it. The girl reads the panel with three different bird images on it.]

Girl: Can you find these birds on the playground?

[video: The camera jumps to different locations on the playground where hidden medallions with the images of the birds to match the can you find it panel. Children shout and yell as they climb and play on the unique different climbers. Camera switches to a view from the top of the large slide as a girl rides down. Camera pans down to a boy as he begins to climb down into a climber. Camera pans down showing the entire central net area with a single circular port hole for access to the lower play area. A boy pushes circular magnets on the post of a talk tube. They bounce of each other’s magnetic force when he releases them. A boy transitions himself from his wheelchair to the playground decking. White text in the center of the screen reads “Multiple entry points”. The boy rotates his body as he begins to climb onto the structure to go play. Camera switches to a full elevated view of children climbing, sliding, and playing on all connected play activities. A boy jumps in slow motion on a slack line pushing him up and back down through the central netting port hole. Scene switches to a full side view of the children playing all over the Volo play structure. White text in the center of the screen reads “Volo soars with fun!”. A child yells “I’m going to tag you!”. The screen blurs to the white and teal gradient background as white letters fall into place to read “Only from”, then the Landscape Structures log flies into the center of the screen with a whoosh noise. Below the logo white text reads “For a better tomorrow we play today”. Video ends.]

Product Details

Age Ranges

  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Play Systems

Shipping Weight

  • 5,570 lbs


    • ASTM Max Fall Height: 88" (2,24 m)
    • CSA Max Fall Height: 126" (3,20 m)
    • ASTM Minimum Area Required: 46'6" x 41'8" (14,17 m x 12,70 m)
    • CSA Minimum Area Required: 46'6" x 41'8" (14,17 m x 12,70 m)

Design Standards Certified

Price Range (USD)

*Prices vary. For international and exact pricing, contact your local playground consultant.

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This play-packed structure soars with fun for everyone. Game-changing LSI Flexx™ steel-reinforced cable netting material keeps the inner ring of play fully connected, providing kids of all abilities with a diverse range of play experiences and access to all levels of Volo. The outer ring provides more challenging activities in a perpetually flowing loop of climbing and sliding fun. Integrated seek-and-find games, science experiments and strategic route planning stimulate kids’ minds while playing. Whether they prefer fast-paced action or a leisurely pace, heights that thrill or staying close to the ground, Volo empowers kids to define their unique playstyle, offering a multi-layered spectrum of joy.


  • Loaded with fully connected activities to maximize play value
  • Revolutionary LSI Flexx steel-reinforced cable netting material is fun for climbing, rolling, bouncing or relaxing and allows easy access to all parts of the structure
  • Two Crux Climbers each provide climbing opportunities on the outside and inside
  • Wave Belt Climber is a challenge going up or down
  • Alpine® Slide and Double Wave Slide are thrilling exits to the ground
  • Multiple entry points and layers of play accommodate a large number of kids
  • Compact footprint to fit in smaller spaces, requiring less surfacing
  • Choice of ProShield®, Permalene®, polyethylene and cable colors
  • Direct bury or surface mount
  • Steel posts
  • U.S. Patent pending
  • ADA compliant

ProShield Finish

ProShield® Finish




Recycled Permalene®


TenderTuff™ Coating


Climbing Cables

Color is an important decision, and we've curated color palettes to match a variety of aesthetics. If this product includes materials with color options, they are shown above.

Learn about color inspiration


  • Auditory
  • Proprioception
  • Tactile
  • Vestibular +
  • Visual

Motor Skills

  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Coordination
  • Core Body Strength
  • Endurance
  • Eye-Hand Coordination
  • Fine Motor
  • Lower Body Strength
  • Motor Planning
  • Upper Body Strength

Cognitive Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Thinking

Social/Emotional Skills

  • Cooperation
  • Imaginative Play
  • Social Skill Development
Learn about Developmental Benefits

Related Playground Components

Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
6 to 23 months
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):