Toddler Swing Add-On Beam

Model #177337

Toddler Swing Add-On Beam

Video features the freestanding Toddler Swing Add-On Beam.

[video: scene fades into the camera slowly zooming on a mother pushing her son in a full bucket toddler swing. Camera switches to a ground view up to the boy as he holds onto the swing chains. Scene switches back to a close-up front view of the boy as he continues to swing. His mother speaks to him.]

Mother: Oh, there a dog up there?

Man off camera: What if ah…

[video: Camera pulls back for a full front view of the mother pushing her. The boy swings from the Toddler Swing Add-On Beam attached to a full-sized swing set. Camera switches to a side view as the mother continues to push her son from the front.]

Mother: What were you making last night, apple pie?

[video: camera switches to a back view as they boy continues to swing. Camera switches to a full side view as the mother pushes her son on the swing.]

Mother: Better smile Eli.

[video: camera zooms with a side view of the boy swinging.]

Mother: Can you say, hold on and say, “Pew milk”.

[video: camera switches to a front view as the mother pushes her son on the swing. Scene switches to a close-up of the swing chain connector to the Add-On Beam. Scene fads to black.]

Product Details

Age Ranges

  • 2 to 5 years

Product Categories

Shipping Weight

  • 31 lbs


    • ASTM Minimum Area Required: Minimum area required will vary based on swing seats selected

Design Standards Certified

Price Range (USD)

*Prices vary. For international and exact pricing, contact your local playground consultant.

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Add the Toddler Swing Add-on Beam to bring more swinging to the playground affordably. Seats with chains and fasteners sold separately.


  • Accommodates angled chains to prevent side-sway
  • Accommodates infant, full-bucket and half-bucket swing seats
  • Accommodates small footprint
  • Attaches to the outer post of a Single Post Swing

ProShield Finish

ProShield® Finish

Color is an important decision, and we've curated color palettes to match a variety of aesthetics. If this product includes materials with color options, they are shown above.

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Related Playground Components

Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
6 to 23 months
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):