Netplex® 13-Post
Model #224091
Netplex® - Intro
Video features Landscape Structures unique Netplex play structure with multiple levels, webbed nets, spinners, overhead events, slides, and bridges to let kids create their own path to play.
[video: elevated fly over view of the entire park area. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: An interconnected complex of climbing cables.]
[video: camera comes into focus on the many ropes connecting all around the Netplex as they sun sets in the background. Scene switches to a slow pan past a post and rope clamping system with the Landscape Structures ribbon logo beveled in the side. Camera comes into focus across the many connecting ropes of the Skyport climber. Camera pans across the central circular cargo net of the Skyport climber. Camera shoots up coming into focus on above ropes and Netplex roof. Screen switches to white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Futuristic climbing experience.]
[video: close-up of a child’s shoes as they step up onto a rope on the Netplex. Camera come into focus on the tip of the child’s shoe as they step on a rope. Camera switches to a side vide of the child’s shoes standing on the single rope. Camera pulls back to a view of the childes feet as they climb up the central circular cargo net of the Skyport climber. Camera switches to a view up at the ropes of the Netplex as a child climbs up them on the left of the screen. Camera follows as a girl climbs down the ropes of the
Watermill climber on the side of the Netplex. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: What’s next in play?]
[video: on the white screen green lettering made up of small crisscrossing lines reads in all capital letters: Netplex.]
[video: scene switch to a full view of the Netplex play structure with rope climbers, bridges, slide, and spinner. Children climb and play all over the structure. Camera zooms in on the stop of the SlideWinder slide as children climb on the ropes of the Skyport and Watermill climber behind it. Camera comes into focus on a girl as she stands up to balance on the Boogie Board belt balancer. Here two friends hold the support ropes to help her get to a balanced standing position. A girl walks across the TightRope bridge in the background.]
[video: camera pans up the Watermill climber as children climb all over the ropes of the Netplex. Scene switch to a view up the Skyport cargo net climber as children climb above all over the Netplex ropes. Scene switch as the camera zooms in and out going in and out of focus as a girl jogs in place on a belted landing zone on the Netplex. Scene switch to a close-up of a girl as she smiles with difficulty to hold onto the Boogie Board belt balancer. Scene switch to an upward view through the ropes of the Netplex as children climb overhead. A young boy climbs down towards the camera on the ropes. Scene switch to the top of the SlideWinder slide as the camera goes in and out of focus while a young girl slides down away from the camera.]
[video: scene switch to a view down a sidewalk of a neighborhood. A girl ridding a scooter turns from the street and rides down a pathway towards the camera. Scene switch to a girl standing at the play area pointing her hand back and forth and smiling. Scene switches back to the girl as she rides the scooter down the pathway. Scene switches to the girl as she high fives someone off camera at the play area. Scene back to the girl as she continues to scooter down the pathway. Scene switches back to the girl at the play area with a close-up of her face as she raises her eyebrows and smiles at the camera. Scene switches back to the girl as she rides down the pathway on her scooter. She finally reaches where the pathway meets the playground sidewalk. She turns and rides past the camera. Scene switch to the girl sitting on the Boogie Board belt balancer smirking at the camera. Scene switch to the girl as she rides down the surrounding playground sidewalk towards the camera. She jumps off her scooter and sets it on the ground and begins to speak to the camera.]
Girl: Hey we’re here at the playground, let’s go play.
[video: screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Meet Grace, playground guru/Netplex enthusiast/part-time reporter.]
[video: scene switches back to the playground as Grace and another young girl run to the Netplex play structure where other children are playing. Scene switches to four girls balancing together standing and sitting on the Boogie Board belt balancer. A young girl holds onto the overhead balance assist on the TightRope bridge. She pushes off a playground post gliding her farther out on the rope bridge. Scene switches to a crowd of children all climbing around on the “C” shaped Watermill climber.]
[video: three children climb across the LolliLadder monkey bars. Camera switches to up on top of the Netplex climber where kids sit and stand on the ropes. Grace talks about what she likes on the playground while she sits with the other children on the Netplex ropes.]
Grace: I like everything about this playground. Including that, that, the slide.
[video: Grace points to different activities at the playground. Scene switch to a girl as she slides down away from the camera on the SlideWinder slide. Scene switches to Grace as she jumps up and down on one of the belted landing zones on the Netplex structure. The camera pans down to Grace’s and another girl’s feet as they jump of the belted area. A child shouts in the background: What teacher do you have?]
[video: scene switch to Grace as she asks another girl standing by the SlideWinder slide what she thinks of the playground.]
Grace: What do you think about the new playground whoop whoop?
Girl: I love it.
[video: screen goes black. Scene fades into Grace as she speaks to the camera with the Netplex structure in the background.]
Grace: Hey I found a dad that wants to talk about the playground.
[video: Grace walks towards the camera leading a man by the hand. Camera switches back to Grace.]
Grace: I see some moms over there let’s go and talk to them about the playground.
[video: the camera follows Grace down the surrounding playground sidewalk in fast motion. She walks over to a park bench where several mothers sit watching their children play. Camera switches back to a close-up of Grace as she squints in the sun to speak to a man named John at the playground.]
Grace: Hi John, why do you like this playground for your city?
[video: camera switches to John as he talks to Grace. A white rectangle appears on screen with green text reading: John Seifert, Superintendent of Public Works, City of Rogers.]
John: It’s very much a unique and nontraditional type of playground.
[video: camera switches to a dad speaking about the playground. White rectangle appears on screen with green text reading: Dad.]
Dad: We are very excited about it.
[video: scene switch to a mother as she speaks about the playground to the camera. Children play all over the Netplex structure behind her. White rectangle appears on screen with green text reading: Mom #1.]
Mom 1: So we, love it.
[video: scene switches to a second mom standing by the playground swings talking to the camera. White rectangle appears on screen with green text reading: Mom #2.]
Mom 2: It’s great.
[video: scene switches to a third mom talking to the camera. Children play on the swing set and other playground activates behind her. White rectangle appears on screen with green text reading: Mom #3.]
Mom 3: Love the new equipment, a lot of things we have never seen before.
[video: scenes switch back and forth to the mothers, dad, and John as they continue to talk about the playground.]
Mom 1: The playgrounds very different.
John: The unique design.
Dad: The kids have talked about it, in fact that it’s really imaginative and creative for them.
Mom 1: They have had hours, hours of fun.
Mom 2: It gets all of the kids out.
Dad: All of the nets and what not they can just make their own play.
Mom 2: Kids of all ages.
John: Delivering a safe and enjoyable experience.
Mom 3: Can hardly wait to get to the top and to hauler.
John: Biggest impression our park board took away from…
John voiceover: the end product was just the number of kids that are able to accommodate on these structure at one time.
[video: full view of the Netplex and its play structure activities as children climb and play all over it. Camera switch to shooting up through the ropes of the Netplex as the camera goes in and out of focus of a child climbing above. Scene switches back to the mothers, dad, and John continuing to talk about the playground.]
Mom 3: It’s very new, you just don’t see that at a lot of playgrounds.
John: When we first started working with Landscape Structures.
John voiceover: And all their products have been very durable and are in our parks system yet today.
[video: top down close-up of a girl’s sparkly black boots as she stands on a ball at the bottom of a rope of the SwiggleKnots bridge. Scene switch to a close-up of a girl’s feet wearing flip flops standing on the platform of the Sol spinning playground spinner. Camera switches to a close-up view of the three hand hold ropes of the Sol spinner where they connect to the top central post. Camera switches to Grace as she nods to John while he finishes speaking about the playground. Side view of Grace and the playground dad as they give each other a high five. Scene switches to Grace sitting on the Boogie Board belted balancer as she speaks to the camera.]
Grace: You can pick your colors and you can pick your components.
[video: screen goes white with green text appearing in the middle. Text reads: TightRope™ Bridge.]
[video: Side view of a group of girls as they watch a young girl make her way across the TightRope bridge. Camera switches to a close-up of a girl’s feet as she sides steps down the TightRope bridge rope. Screen goes white, green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Sol Spinner™.]
[video: Top down view as a boy spins another boy and girl on the Sol playground spinner. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: LolliLadder™.]
[video: close-up of a childes hands as they reach to grab the different rungs of the LolliLadder monkey bars. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Boogie Board™.]
[video: four girls lay on their stomach on the Boogie Board together and swing back and forth.]
Girl: I’m going to fall!
[video: camera zooms in as more children pile on to the Boogie Board. They all smile and scream as more children jump on to play. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Watermill Climber™.]
[video: camera pans up the Watermill climber as children climb up and down the ropes of the climber. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: SwiggleKnots Bridge™.]
[video: a group of children each on a rope of the SwiggleKnots bridge sit on the and stand on the foot and hand hold balls and discs. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Skyport Climber™.]
[side view as a boy beginning to climb up the central circular chimney shaped cargo net of the Skyport climber. Screen goes white as green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Disc Net Climber™.]
[video: a boy climbs down in slow motion through the port hole of a belted climbing area on a Dis Net climber. A boy off camera yells to another boy: Hey Jackson wait up!]
[video: scene switches back to Grace seated on the Boogie Board belted balancer.]
Grace: And you can pick with or without a roof.
[video: scene switch to a full view of children climbing all over a Netplex with central Skyport rope climber. A white rectangle appears in the top left corner of the screen with green text reading: Netplex™ 7-post.]
[video: a child up on the ropes of the Netplex shouts: I’m the only one up here!}
[video: camera view switches to the side of the Netplex looking up at a boy as he jumps down from the climbing ropes. Camera switches to a zoomed in side view of the Netplex as children climb and stand on the ropes. Camera switches to a view up at a boy as he hands from one of the top climbing ropes. Scene switch to a new location of a larger Netplex structure and other playground activates as children play all around. A white rectangle appears in the top left corner of the screen with green text reading: Netplex™ 14-post.]
[video: camera switches to a view at the top of the Disc Net climber where a boy steps out onto the belted zone. Camera switches to a close-up of a girl’s shoe as she stands on one of the Netplex ropes. Top down view of two girls sitting on a belted landing zone of the Disc Net climber. A boy crouches down through the port hole of the belted landing zone where the girls sit. Scene switches to a side view of two girls playing on the Sol playground spinner. A girl climbs across a SwiggleKnots bridge behind them. Scene switches back to a close-up of Grace as she speaks to the camera.]
Grace: What’s even more awesome about the Netplex is you can connect it to another playground.
[video: camera shoots up to two girls standing on the ropes of the Netplex structure leaning out and looking down to smile at the camera. Camera switches back to Grace sitting on the Boogie Board belted balancer.]
Grace: You can get it any way you want.
[video: camera slowly pans across the top of the Netplex structure where the Watermill climber and SlideWinder slide attach. A girl climbs on the top ropes of the climber. White text made up of small crisscrossing lines and all capital letters zooms in to the middle of the screen reading: Netplex.]
[video: the text zooms forward and enlarges filling the screen to white. Green text appears in the middle of the screen reading: exclusively from.]
[video: camera comes into focus of a red backpack with white screen printing of the Landscape Structures logo and text below reading: Better playgrounds, better world®.]
[video: the backpack begins to move away from the camera. The camera zooms out to Grace wearing the backpack as she walks away towards the Netplex structure. Screen fades to black. The Landscape Structures logo in white fades into the middle of the screen. Text below the logo fades in reading:]
Double Swoosh Slide®
Video features the Double Swoosh Slide.
[video: fade into boy and girl going down double swoosh slide.]
Adult Woman: All right.
[video: ground level panning up to group of children playing and climbing on Disc Net climber. Young girl climbs up through disc hole towards camera smiling and giggling.
[video: camera switch to young girl hanging from bar from arms and smiling at camera. Camera switch to older girl climbing up some ropes.]
[video: elevated shot of top of play set as young girl goes down double swoosh slide. Two girls hang by their arms and swing at top of double swoosh slide hand grabs to push themselves down the slide faster.]
[video: overhead shot of group of children playing on Disc Net climber. Birds eye shot above complete Dis Net climber and double swoosh slide structure while kids climb around.]
[video: camera zooms out as two children go down double swoosh slide. Fade to black]
Product Details
Design/CAD Files Featuring this Component
Price Range (USD)
*Prices vary. For international and exact pricing, contact your local playground consultant.
Contact Your ConsultantOverview
Netplex® 13-Post is designed to accommodate a slide. It includes an inner ring of seven posts and an outer ring with six posts, all with post toppers. The open post location in the outer ring is filled with the slide. As a PlayBooster® mainstructure, it can be connected to additional PlayBooster components to extend the play design, or it can also be designed to stand on its own. Select either the Disc Net™ Climber with Double Swoosh Slide® or the Skyport™ Climber with Double Swoosh Slide® for the core. Then attach any compatible PlayBooster component to add the spinning, sliding, balancing and climbing kids need. Many configurable design options.
- Available with 3 or 5 Vibe® roofs or without roofs
- Patented clamping systems enables unique cable configurations. U.S. Patent No. 9,375,609
- Decorative polyethylene post-toppers included
- Must select either the Disc Net™ Climber with Double Swoosh Slide® or the Skyport™ Climber with Double Swoosh Slide® for the core
- Direct bury

ProShield® Finish

Color is an important decision, and we've curated color palettes to match a variety of aesthetics. If this product includes materials with color options, they are shown above.
Learn about color inspirationSensory
- Proprioception
- Tactile
- Vestibular +
- Visual
Motor Skills
- Agility
- Balance
- Coordination
- Core Body Strength
- Endurance
- Eye-Hand Coordination
- Fine Motor
- Lower Body Strength
- Motor Planning
- Upper Body Strength
Cognitive Skills
- Problem Solving
Social/Emotional Skills
- Cooperation
- Imaginative Play
- Social Skill Development