Global Motion® HDG

Model #228071

Global Motion® - Intro

Video features the unique climbing, rotating freestanding Global Motion playground spinner.

[video: the screen is green with white text circling up from the bottom of the screen reading: Love to climb?]

[video: the camera pans up to a boy kneeling on the top belted climber pad of the Global Motion. A child’s hands come into frame grabbing the outer ropes of the Global Motion. The screen goes green as white text appears in the center of the screen reading: Love to spin?]

[video: View of the top of the Global Motion as it spins with children inside and out. Scene switches to a view of the center of the Global Motion as it’s spins while children ride. Scene switches to a view of the bottom half of the Global Motion spinner as children run to rotate it. Screen goes blue as white text appears in the center of the screen reading: Global Motion brings it all together.]

[video: a full view of children spinning and riding on the Global Motion playground spinner. Scene switches to a close-up of the lower half of the spinner as children race by to spin it while others hang onto the ropes and ride. Camera angle changes to a top down view as children ride on the inside and outside of the spinner. The screen goes green with white text appearing in the center of the screen reading: Designer Approved.]

[video: A man speaks to the camera while standing in front of the Global Motion. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Tom Keller, Concept Designer.]

Tom: Global Motion was designed to be used in lots of different ways.

Tom voiceover: Obviously you can see that climbing, pushing, running, walking, different places to sit, it was really designed to do a whole lot.

[video: a boy climbs up the outside of the Global Motion. Scene switches to a view from the lower decking out to a group of girls spinning the playground spinner. Camera switches to an outside view of children working together to spin the Global Motion. Close-up of a young girls face as she smiles into the camera while holding onto the outside ropes of the Global Motion. Scene switches to a view inside the Global Motion where a group of children ride on the top belted and roped area. A boy looks quizzically into the camera while they spin. Scene switches back to Tom as he continues to speak.]

Tom voiceover: Kids as young as five years old won’t have any problem getting this to turn.

[video: a young girl smiles excitedly as she runs to spin the Global Motion with her friends. Camera switches to an outside view of the center of the Global motion. Children ride and hang from the ropes of the spinner while it turns. Screen goes green as white text appears in the center of the screen reading: Grown-up Approved.]

[video: scene switches to a local neighborhood mother as she speaks to the camera.]

Chris: Hi my name is Chris and I’m a neighborhood mom.

Chris voiceover: I think the Global Motion product is really it’s big it holds a lot of kids it spins but not too fast. There’s a lot of ropes for the kids to hang on to, to keep them stable and they just really look to be enjoying themselves.

[video: scene switches to an outside view of children spinning and playing on the Global Motion. Camera spins with the Global Motion with a top down view as children play and spin below. Scene switches to a full elevated view of children all over the Global Motion as it spins. Scene switches to a close-up of the bottom half of the spinner as children’s legs spin by. Camera switches to a close-up of a child’s hand as it holds onto the rope while the playground spinner spins. Camera switches to a side view of children on the Global Motion. Screen goes green as white text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Kid Approved.]

[video: A young girl speaks to the camera about the Global Motion.]

Ali: I am Ali and I am eight and I like the Global Motion because I like how there’s like a top and bottom.

[video: camera switches to another girl as she talks about the Global Motion.]

Girl 1: Because there’s two layers in it spins around.

[video: camera switches to another girl as she talks about the Global Motion.]

Girl 2: I like the Global Motion because it’s fun to play on.

[video: camera switches to a boy standing in front of the Global Motion speaking to the camera.]

Syd: Hi my name is Syd I’m eight years old I like the Global Motion because it spins fast.

[video: camera switches to another boy as he speaks to the camera about the Global Motion.]

Boy: Because it’s, you can climb on it.

[video: scene switch to another girl as she speaks to the camera.]

Girl 3: Because I love getting dizzy.

[video: scene switch to another girl as she speaks to the camera.]

Girl 4: Because it spins and you can go on top of it.

[video: scene switch to another girl as she speaks to the camera.]

Girl 5: I like how, there’s an inside and an outside.

[video: scene switch to another girl as she speaks to the camera.]

Girl 6: I like this thing.

[video: adults laugh in the background because of what the young girl said. The screen goes green as white text appears in the middle reading: Everyone Approved.]

Tom: Kids in wheelchairs can be rolled up.

Tom voiceover: The platform instead of the height that’s a good transfer height for them and so this is really made for kids of all abilities.

[video: a man pushes a young girl in a wheelchair towards the Global Motion spinner. Close-up of the side of the girl’s wheelchair as it rolls across the playground mulch. There girl is pushed to the bottom entrance of the Global Motion where she walks with her leg braces to the platform. She easily sits down and lifts her legs up onto the decking. Camera pulls back for a full view of the playground spinner as children hand on the outside ropes and spin. Screen changes to green as white text appears in the middle reading: Engineer Approved.]

[video: a man stands in an office area in front of a bulletin board with papers of the Global Motion design. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Randy Watermiller, Director Product Development.]

Randy: Well when we first started developing Global Motion we knew we needed to control the rotation to a safe speed and yet still be easy for children to get up moving. So, we created an innovative technology utilizing and progressive resistance mechanism.

[video: a man pushes the outside of the Global Motion as a group of children ride on the upper and lower halves of the spinner. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Mark Kangas, Designer Engineer.]

Mark: As I spend this it’s not hard to spin it in the beginning, but I tried to spin it faster and faster it becomes harder and harder to spin which makes it very safe for the children.

[video: screen switches to green, white text appears in the center of the screen reading: Quality Approved.]

[video: a man stands in front of a Global Motion bare frame in a warehouse. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Tom Fitzpatrick, Product Development Engineer.]

Tom: Behind me is the frame for the Global Motion.

Tom voiceover: We’re currently in the process of setting this up to do some testing where we’re going to rotate it around to make sure that when we deliver the product to you it’ll be durable and safe and long-lasting.

[video: camera pulls back for a full view of the warehouse work area where two men work on the Global Motion frame. Camera switches to an elevated view of the Global Motion frame as two men work on it. Camera switches to a man tightening to a bolt at the top of the Global Motion. Camera pulls back for a full view of the Global Motion doing a spin test in the warehouse. Camera close-up of the bottom platform of the Global Motion as it spins with hundreds of pounds of weight lifting plates on it. Camera angle switches to a view of weights chained to the top of the Global Motion while it does it spin test. Screen goes green as white text appears in the middle of the screen reading: Find out more at]

[video: children wave to the camera as they sit on the upper belted deck of the Global Motion spinner. Scene fades to a pulled back full view of children playing on the Global Motion spinner. A white Landscape Structures logo slides up from the bottom of the screen to the left of the Global Motion structure. The Landscape Structures logo is made of a white ribbon undulated above the text Landscape Structures. White text below the logo reads: Better playgrounds. Better world.]

Product Details

Age Ranges

  • 5 to 12 years

Play Styles

Product Categories

Shipping Weight

  • 1,590 lbs


    • ASTM Max Fall Height: 105" (2,67 m)
    • ASTM Minimum Area Required: 26' 5" (8,05 m) diameter

Design Standards Certified

Price Range (USD)

*Prices vary. For international and exact pricing, contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant


Add a unique play experience to your playground with Global Motion® HDG. Kids can climb, rotate, and explore two levels in this fun-filled structure. Patented progressive resistance makes it easy to turn Global Motion HDG at slower speeds, and prevents it from being turned too quickly, providing a fun and challenging experience while still feeling safe and in control. With 14 nets that can be climbed on the inside or outside and two multi-person seating areas, Global Motion HDG provides thrills for many kids at once.

The Hot Dip Galvanized (HDG) distinctive zinc patina eventually takes on a matte gray appearance, blending in well with the styles of many different play environments—urban, sculptural, modern, industrial and more. Also, if you happen to live in a coastal area, this durable finish provides an extra level of protection against the harsh elements.


  • Two entryways on the lower level allow users of all abilities access to the inside of the globe
  • Deck is at 16 1/2" height for easy transfer
  • Large, black GripX-textured deck accommodates multiple kids and offers excellent traction and slip-resistance
  • TenderTuff™-coated handrails edge both entryways
  • Elevated seating area constructed from extra-thick, textured, polyester-reinforced rubber belting, suspended from cables (black only)
  • 14 nets of polyester-wrapped, steel-reinforced cables provide a wealth of climbing opportunities; available in red, black or tan
  • Base and top made from durable, UV-stable rotomolded polyethylene in your choice of color
  • HDG finish available for Venti®, Oodle® Swing and Global Motion®
  • Direct bury only, requiring a footing 42" deep and 48" square
  • U.S. Patent No. 9,868,069




Climbing Cables

Color is an important decision, and we've curated color palettes to match a variety of aesthetics. If this product includes materials with color options, they are shown above.

Learn about color inspiration


  • Auditory
  • Proprioception
  • Tactile
  • Vestibular +
  • Visual

Motor Skills

  • Agility
  • Balance
  • Cardiovascular
  • Coordination
  • Core Body Strength
  • Endurance
  • Eye-Hand Coordination
  • Fine Motor
  • Lower Body Strength
  • Motor Planning
  • Upper Body Strength

Cognitive Skills

  • Problem Solving
  • Strategic Thinking

Social/Emotional Skills

  • Cooperation
  • Imaginative Play
  • Social Skill Development
Learn about Developmental Benefits

Related Playground Components

Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
8 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):