Chill® Spinner

Model #247189

Chill® Spinner

Video features the freestanding play Chill Spinner.

[video: fade in, group of children giggle and spin on Chill Spinner chairs. Camera switches to base of Chill Spinner and pans upwards to girl sitting in chair being spun by another girl.]

[video: One girl spins another girl very quickly in chill spinner.] Girl seated in chair: I can't even see

[video: young girl spins young boy in chill spinner. Girl spins in chair all by herself using her feet. Camera switch to girl spinning boy quickly in spinner chair.]

[video: camera switches above each child while they spin in chairs. Camera switch to boy holding camera facing him as he is spun quickly in his chair.]

Girls spinning chair: Smile Walter, smile! [video: young boy in chair smiles at camera]

[video: boy spins himself around with his feet to smile at camera. Camera switch to a back view of chair as it spins away Landscape Structures logo shows on the back of chair. Fade to black.]

Product Details

Age Ranges

  • 5 to 12 years

Product Categories

Shipping Weight

  • 92 lbs


    • ASTM Max Fall Height: 19" (0,48 m)
    • ASTM Minimum Area Required: 14' 8" (4,47 m) diameter

Design Standards Certified

Price Range (USD)

*Prices vary. For international and exact pricing, contact your local playground consultant.

Contact Your Consultant


Take a fun spin on the Chill® Spinner or just relax in its comfortable seat. The spinning motion offers vestibular stimulation and helps kids understand centrifugal force and cause-and-effect. Textured rubber belting creates a comfortable and secure ride.


  • Comfortable seat for relaxing or spinning
  • Seat height allows users to be in control of the movement
  • Available in your choice of ProShield® color
  • Also available in stainless steel finish (model #249557)
  • Direct bury or surface mount

ProShield Finish

ProShield® Finish

Color is an important decision, and we've curated color palettes to match a variety of aesthetics. If this product includes materials with color options, they are shown above.

Learn about color inspiration


  • Proprioception
  • Vestibular +

Motor Skills

  • Balance
  • Core Body Strength
  • Lower Body Strength

Cognitive Skills

  • Problem Solving

Social/Emotional Skills

  • Cooperation
  • Imaginative Play
  • Social Skill Development
Learn about Developmental Benefits

Related Playground Components

Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
2 to 5 years, 5 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):
Age Ranges:
8 to 12 years
Price Range (USD):