Facet® Forms

Kids will be drawn to this collection of modular forms that is inspired by the natural geometries of geodes, minerals and other elements in nature. FacetĀ® Forms invite endless chances to climb and explore. Made from concrete, these cool and contemporary looking structures will withstand years of rugged activity. Choose from several configurations to fit a variety of spaces and budget. Recommended for ages 2 to 12.
Playground products shown in video may not be appropriate for every age group. Playsystems shown in video are for demonstration purposes only. Product configurations may vary.
Video features children playing on playground Facet Form steppers and climbers.
[video: children play on cream colored geometric forms and tunnels of different sizes. A group of adults sit on a bench watching as the children play. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Facet Forms.]
[video: scene switches to a side view of a girl jumping from one facet form stepper to the next. A girl stands on top of a facet form tunnel in the background. Scene switches to a close-up top down view of a boy’s feet as he steps from one facet stepper to the next. White text appears on the bottom of the screen reading: Facet Steppers.]
[video: scene switches to a side view of a girl stepping from a large stepper to a medium sized stepper. A girl walks through the facet tunnel in the background. Scene switches to a girl walking across the facet steppers as a boy and girl walk up to her from behind. Scene switches to the camera turning to a girl as the leans her hands on the top of the facet tunnel. White text appears on the bottom of the screen reading: Facet Crawl Tunnel.]
Girl: You can also go inside here.
[video: the camera views into the tunnel as the girl walks through. She turns around at the end of the tunnel and walks back towards the camera. The camera backs up as the girl walks closer, she stops right before the opening of the tunnel and pushes both arms against the tunnel walls. She crosses her legs and smirks at the camera. Camera pulls back for a full-frontal view of the facet tunnel as the girl runs out and off camera. Scene switches to a top down panning view of a group of children sitting on a bench with facet ends. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Facet Bench.]
[video: scene switches to a back view of adults and children sitting on the facet playground bench. Scene switches to a full view of the play area where children climb and jump on facet steppers and tunnels. A group of adults sit and watch while sitting on the facet bench. Scene switches to a girl walking across a long slender facet climber. A boy and girl stand on the top of two facet tunnels in the background. White text appears at the bottom of the screen reading: Facet Balance Beam.]
[video: scene switches to a view up at two girls as they walk across the facet balance beam. The girls jump and lift their legs. Camera angle switches to a top down view of the triple beamed facet balance beam. A girl does a cartwheel over the center of the facet balance beam. A boy walks over to the opposite side of the balance beam and does a cartwheel over the facet balance beam. Scene switches to a girl as she speaks to the camera. A boy stands on the top of a facet crawl tunnel behind her.]
Girl: I like to jump on the different things.
[video: The girl jumps up onto the center of the facet balance beam. Scene switches to the girl as she holds the camera pointing towards herself. The camera wiggles and bounces as she walks around the play area. The girl jumps down from the top of the facet crawl tunnel as a boy climbs up it. The girl jumps from facet stepper to facet stepper. Scene switches to a girl as she speaks to the camera about the facet activities.]
Girl: It kind of looks like origami.
[video: top down view of children playing on the facet steppers and tunnels. A group of adults sit on a bench watching as the children as they play.]
Girl voiceover: There really safe and it’s really fun to climb with.
[video: A different girl speaks to the camera.]
Girl 2: I like, I like that thing.
[video: the girl points to one of the facet crawl tunnels. Scene switches to a boy crawling on the top of the facet crawl tunnel as a girl sits and hangs her feet of the side.]
Girl 2 voiceover: Like you climb up to it and you can like go under it.
[video: Two girls walk towards the camera through a facet crawl tunnel past the camera. Scene switches to a girl as she speaks to the camera.]
Girl 3: I like how it blends in, so if there was a park here it just looks cool.
[video: children climb up the side and onto the facet crawl tunnels. Scene switches to a young boy as he crawls to the top of a facet stepper. He pushes himself to his feet and stands. Screen goes black and the Landscape Structures logo appears. The Landscape Structures logo is made of a red ribbon undulated above the text Landscape Structures. White text below reads: For a Better Tomorrow We Play Today®]