Fresh play experiences with freestanding play

ZipKrooz™ is the first inclusive zip line for playgrounds.

Are you designing a new playground or freshening up an existing play space? Don’t forget to include freestanding play components! Playground activities set apart from a main play structure allows kids to step away for some quiet time or break into smaller play groups. Better yet, freestanding play components can bring children of all abilities and ages into the same space for collaborative play.

The TopsyTurny® spinner brings together children of all abilities for spinning fun. The Oodle® Swing delivers swinging fun to multiple children at once.

We have a wide variety of freestanding play events including the ZipKrooz™, TopsyTurny® and OmniSpin® spinners, Oodle® Swing, We-saw™ and a variety of playground net climbers. Even more, we have a line of nature-inspired products that can be included into your playground. Or you can create an outdoor learning environment by positioning a few pieces together. Watch below to see how B.T. Washington Elementary School in Tampa, Fla., designed their nature-inspired outdoor classroom.

Tell us how you’ve incorporated freestanding play into your playground designs. Then visit to see our full offering of freestanding play components.

We believe parks make communities great!

We featured the Eclipse Net Plus, our latest playground net climber, at NRPA 2013 in Houston.

Last week, we were in Houston, Texas, to participate in the 2013 National Recreation & Park Association (NRPA) Congress & Exposition. The theme of our booth this year was “We believe parks make communities great,” and it featured the Eclipse® Net Plus, We-saw™ and Kaleidoscope benches.

Our modern take on the traditional seesaw, We-saw, attracted many visitors to our NRPA booth.

Visitors to our booth were able to take a play break to climb through the nets and rock on the We-saw. We provided red solo cups (which are made in Grand Prairie, Texas, @huetherdesign on Instagram taught us) to those that stopped by full of keg root beer. We also hosted an event at Lucky Strike Lanes, which was complete with bowling, billiards, Xbox Kinect and lots of fun. See more photos of that event on Facebook.

Learn more about our playground net climbers, and our time at NRPA.

We had a great three days in Houston visiting with park and recreation professionals, hearing from industry experts and taking in the nearby attractions. Our employees and playground consultants are already looking forward to 2014 NRPA in Charlotte, N.C.!