The Canyon Collection™, landscape architects ROCKED Chicago


At the American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting & Expo last weekend in Chicago, we ROCKED the exhibit hall! Our booth space featured The Canyon Collection™ and a customized Netplex™ in our new colors and the HealthBeat® Chest/Back Press and Elliptical stations.

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Visitors to our booth were met with our nature-inspired climbers, which enticed many to test out their rock-climbing skills. All that play combined with Pop Rocks took attendees back to days from their youth. In addition to our booth, we were proud to sponsor the Opening General Session featuring creators of the PBS series, 10 Parks That Changed America. We also sponsored the Edible Landscape Celebration, which included healthy, locally sourced and heirloom foods, dancing and a Blues Brothers tribute!


Even more, we were excited to celebrate our President Pat Faust, who was presented with an Honorary Membership in ASLA. This honor is given to non-landscape architects for their commitment to the landscape architecture profession.

We had a great time in Chicago visiting with park and recreation professionals, hearing from industry experts and taking in all that the city has to offer. Our employees and playground consultants are already looking forward to the 2016 ASLA Annual Meeting in New Orleans!

ROCKing into Chicago!

ASLA 2015 | Chicago, Ill. | Nov. 6-9

The ASLA Annual Meeting & Expo kicks off tomorrow in Chicago, and we’re looking forward to connecting with everyone. If you’re attending, join us for the following events:

  1. Opening General Session. We’re excited to sponsor speakers from the PBS series, “10 Parks That Changed America.” Join us at Saturday, Nov. 7, at 8 a.m. CST for a lively discussion.
  2. Exhibit Hall. Do you wanna ROCK? Then visit us in booth #1421 on Saturday and Sunday as we rock the playground!
  3. An Edible Landscape Celebration. Join us Saturday, Nov. 7, at 8 p.m. at the Chicago Illuminating Company for healthy, locally sourced and heirloom foods. Plus, there’s talk of a Blues Brothers tribute!
  4. Education Session. Join John McConkey and Dr. Lucy Jane Miller on Sunday, Nov. 8, at 11 a.m. in A11 to learn about Evidence-based Design: Sensory Play Gardens and Children with Developmental Disorders.