Teaching students the importance of composting

The second annual Green Apple Day of Service, a day sponsored by the USGBC’s Center for Green Schools, took place on Friday, Sept. 27. We celebrated a day early by partnering with the MN Green Schools Coalition to help Delano Elementary School (DES) in Delano, Minn., improve their existing composting program. Throughout the week, DES’s media teacher read Compost Stew to each class and they completed a fun, classroom activity. Then on Friday, Sept. 27, we helped students compost their lunch waste, and handed out apples and goodie bags to each student and staff member. By participating in this program, the MN Green Schools Coalition awarded DES dollars to purchase new library books with an environmental theme. Check out the video of the event below, and go here to learn more about our community outreach.

Join us Sept. 29 in creating healthy, sustainable schools

Green Apple Day of Service 2012

Where kids learn is important and Landscape Structures is joining the Green Apple initiative to take real action in creating healthy, sustainable schools.

The Green Apple Day of Service is an initiative of the Center for Green Schools at USGBC to put all children in schools where they have clean and healthy air to breathe, where energy and resources are conserved, and where they can be inspired to dream of a brighter future. On Sept. 29, advocates from across the country and around the world will come together in support of healthy, sustainable schools by taking action in their communities.

At Landscape Structures, we have a mission of enhancing the children’s lives by fostering and creating inspiring play experiences while honoring the environment. We’re getting involved with the Green Apple Day of Service by handing out apples to our hometown schools in Delano, Minn. By doing this, we hope kids take a moment to think about their actions, and how they can help their school and community be more green.

Everyone can get involved in the Green Apple Day of Service a small or big way.