Announcing the launch of the 16th Annual State Association Speaker Scholarship Program

We are thrilled to announce the launch of the 16th Annual State Association Speaker Scholarship Program, continuing our unwavering support for parks and recreation professionals. This initiative offers parks and recreation associations the opportunity to bring dynamic keynote speakers to their annual or regional conferences.

What is the State Association Speaker Scholarship Program?

The State Association Speaker Scholarship Program, offered by Landscape Structures, helps bring expert speakers on topics such as play, inclusion, equity and urban parks planning to the forefront. This program empowers state associations to inspire and educate their members through engaging presentations and discussions.

As part of the scholarship, we kindly request the following contributions from state associations:

  1. Advertisement: Please provide a complimentary advertisement in the state association magazine or another publication
  2. Introduction: Allow Landscape Structures the opportunity to introduce the keynote speaker
  3. Social Media: Create a social media post highlighting the speaker sponsored by the Landscape Structures scholarship
  4. Article: Publish an article provided by Landscape Structures in the organization’s newsletter or email.

We welcome applications from all state associations who have chosen their speaker for their upcoming conference. The application process is straightforward. Go here to complete the online application form, providing basic conference information–dates, location, name of keynote speaker and a brief description of their proposed presentation. We review each application and will notify the state association of their award within 30 days.

Benefits of the State Association Speaker Scholarship

The Speaker Scholarship from Landscape Structures offers a wealth of benefits. Primarily, it provides financial support, significantly reducing travel and accommodation costs for the speaker. This allows state associations to concentrate their efforts on delivering an outstanding conference experience.

Additionally, the scholarship enhances networking opportunities. Members gain access to industry experts, creating valuable connections and learning opportunities. Best of all, this program positions your association as a premier source of high-quality content. Landscape Structures is dedicated to cultivating a community of knowledge sharing and collaboration through this initiative.

Take Action Now

Now is the time to act. Apply today to bring an inspiring, thought-provoking speaker to your conference. Visit to submit your application. This is your chance to get and stay connected through play and recreation.

Join us in making the 16th year of the Speaker Scholarship Program the most impactful yet!

Supporting Parks and Recreation Professionals with the 15th Annual State Speaker Scholarship Program

We’re excited to share that we’re standing strong in our support of parks and recreation professionals with the launch of the 15th Annual State Speaker Scholarship program. The 2023-2024 scholarship program is about bringing in amazing keynote speakers—experts in topics like play, inclusion, equity, urban parks planning or any professional development—to state parks and recreation associations’ annual or regional conferences.

So, what’s in it for the lucky recipients of the 2023-2024 scholarship? They will receive $3,000 to support the appearance of these remarkable speakers at the conferences. We’ve increased the parks and recreation speaker scholarship amount to ensure that these conferences are filled with insightful discussions and eye-opening presentations.

The application is open! You can apply for a scholarship until May 31, 2024, to support a brilliant speaker at your conference. Head on over to to fill out the application today!

Let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact this scholarship program has made over the years. Since 2009, we’ve awarded 350 scholarships totaling over $867,000 for speakers at national conferences.

It’s time to take action. Apply now to bring an inspiring, challenging speaker to your conference. Head over to and fill out that application. This is just one more opportunity to get and stay connected through play and recreation.

Supporting state parks and recreation associations with scholarships


We are excited to announce the 10th Annual State Speaker Scholarship Program has launched! The 2018-2019 program will support the appearances of keynote speakers at state parks and recreation associations’ annual or regional conferences. State associations that are chosen will receive a scholarship of $2,500.

Since the scholarship program’s inception in 2009, Landscape Structures has awarded more than 200 scholarships to state associations and more than $530,000 to support the appearances of speakers at park and recreation conferences throughout the nation. To complete an application for Landscape Structures’ 2018-2019 State Association Speaker Scholarship, visit