Avoid the bid process with cooperative purchasing contracts

Purchasing commercial playground equipment through the bid process can add extra work and delays in developing and installing your new play space. The bid process also sometimes forces you to settle for less than expected if you’re forced to accept the low-bid, lower-quality alternative to your specifications. That’s why we offer our customers the option to purchase our park and playground equipment using national cooperative purchasing contracts.

We have a variety of purchasing contracts from which to choose including HGACBuy, TCPN, NPCA for cities, school districts and other municipal entities. All of these contracts are nationwide government-procurement services that establish competitively priced contracts for goods and services with the assurance that all contracts have been awarded through a competitive, public bidding process that is compliant with your state bidding statutes. Following are just a few of the benefits of using cooperative bidding contracts:

  1. You can avoid the bid process, and expenses incurred, while meeting state or local purchasing guidelines.
  2. You save money through product discounts; the contracts establish and verify best pricing offered nationally by a supplier.
  3. You keep complete control of the quality, design and manufacturer of your next playground purchase.

Any tax-based agency or non-profit 501c3 is eligible to use cooperative purchasing contracts. Contact your local playground consultant to learn more, and get set-up to replace the traditional in-house bid process with the easy-to-use, no-cost services provided by cooperative purchasing contracts.

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